Laptop/computer | left click mouse button on an empty space and move the pointer (OR) left click touchpad on an empty space and move the pointer | mouse wheel (OR) place two fingers on the touchpad and pinch in or stretch out | right click mouse button on an empty space and move the pointer (OR) right click touchpad on an empty space and move the pointer | left click mouse button on red outlined objects and move the pointer (OR) left click touchpad on red outlined objects and move the pointer | while in drag object mode add right mouse button (OR) while in drag object mode add "A" key on the keyboard |
mobile/touch device | Place one finger on an empty space and move it horizontally or vertically | Place two fingers on the screen and pinch in or stretch out | Place two fingers on an empty space and move it horizontally or vertically | Place one finger on draggable object and move it | while in drag object mode add a second finger and move it |