
explosion icon- exploded view         

transparency icon- transparent view          


recenter icon- centered view          

help icon- help

Laptop/computerleft click   mouse button on an empty space and move the pointer (OR) left click touchpad   on an empty space and move the pointer mouse wheel   (OR) place two fingers on the touchpad and pinch in or stretch outright click   mouse button on an empty space and move the pointer (OR) right click touchpad   on an empty space and move the pointer left click   mouse button on red outlined objects and move the pointer (OR) left click   touchpad on red outlined objects and   move the pointerwhile in drag   object mode add right mouse button (OR) while in drag object mode add   "A" key on the keyboard
mobile/touch devicePlace one finger on   an empty space and move it horizontally or verticallyPlace   two fingers on the screen and pinch in or stretch outPlace   two fingers on an empty space and move it horizontally or verticallyPlace   one finger on draggable object and move itwhile   in drag object mode add a second finger and move it
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