Enviline™ TCR - Traction Controlled Rectifier

Maximizing the distance, balance and stability of the DC line

To power trains, metros and trams, it is necessary to use an electronic power converter (traction rectifier) to convert alternating current into direct current. The Enviline TCR (Traction Controlled Rectifier) is the right solution for maximizing the distance, balance and stability of the DC line. Additionally, the TCR can reduce losses in rolling stock and prevent interruptions caused by undervoltage.

We have more than 50 years of experience in design, construction and commissioning of rectifiers for traction and other industrial applications. 

Product range

  • Operating voltage range up to 4000 V, power range up to 8 MW

Key benefits

  • DC line voltage control
  • High reliability and flexibility
  • Cost effective
  • Dedicated support
  • Reduced losses
  • Tailored solution

Key features
  • Proven robust technology based on thyristor solution
  • Minimal operational and maintenance costs
  • Easy maintenance
  • Natural cooling or forced adaptive cooling
  • High level of conformity with individual requirements as well as international standards
  • Compatible with all DC supply systems

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