Norway-based Hareid Group produces solutions to supply electricity to ships moored at the quayside. The shore connection helps to eliminate emissions, noise and vibration because vessels do not need to run their auxiliary engines and generators. Reliable and highly efficient ACS880 Multidrives from ABB are at the heart of the shore power solutions.
Hareid Group’s Maritime Division launched its HG Shore Power™ solutions around two years ago, and several units are already in use at shipyards and ports on Norway’s west coast. The container-based shore power solution is installed on the dock and converts the voltage and frequency of the shore grid to match onboard requirements.
The solutions are offered in two power ratings: 550 and 1000 kVA. The compact containers are insulated, and they house heating and ventilation systems in addition to the ABB ACS880 Multidrives. An intuitive user interface ensures easy connection and disconnection of vessels, and allows selection of the correct power and frequency as well as tracking of power consumption. A cloud solution enables end users to monitor various system and energy consumption parameters.
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HG Shore Power™ solutions. Image credit: Cecilie Hatløy. HG Shore Power™ solutions. Image credit: Cecilie Hatløy.
Reliable drives backed by domain expertise
“We’ve had a close working relationship with ABB for many years. We know that ABB supplies reliable, high quality products, and they can support us with their domain expertise,” says Hjalmar Roald, Manager, Power and Automation, Hareid Group.
ABB supplies ACS880 Multidrives for Hareid Group’s shore power units. The drives play a key role in converting the power supply from the shoreside grid to suit the vessel's frequency and voltage. They include an Active Front End (AFE) for exceptionally low harmonic current, as well as Optimal Grid Control (OGC), which was developed to support the operation of microgrids - and specifically isolated grids like ships. OGC offers a number of features including an inbuilt function to synchronize the shore supply with the ship’s own grid.
“Our drives are designed for efficiency and reliability, and we can provide service wherever the end user is located,” says Kjell Solbakken, Sales specialist, ABB Motion in Norway. “These Multidrives produce very low harmonic content, which means no disturbance to the local grid at the shipyard or port. Additionally ACS880 Multidrives ensures that even the highest uptime targets can achieved and it is designed to meet +20 years lifetime expectation.”
Clean energy supplies boost sustainability
Shore power solutions avoid the need for vessels to utilize their diesel-powered generators while at the dock and therefore reduce CO2 and NOx emissions as well as noise and vibration. Emission free and silent operation is especially important at locations where people live or work close to the shipyard or port.
Other factors driving the adoption of shore power systems include demand from vessel operators. Depending on the price of electricity, connecting to shore power helps them to cut expenses, as it typically costs less than generating power on board using diesel. Vessel operators are also increasingly requesting shore power as a way to meet their carbon footprint and sustainability targets.
Hareid Group is based in Sunnmøre on the west coast of Norway, around 360 kilometers northwest of Oslo. It supplies electrical products and services for the maritime industry, land-based construction and private consumers. The group has around 520 personnel.