We are happy to announce that ABB has now sold over 200,000 protection relays from the Relion® 615 series. The 200,000th 615 series relay was sold to LG Chem, the largest chemical company in South Korea, to be used in the company’s Daesan factory. The company places great value on training and the wide scope of services ABB and its partners offer to secure and optimize their investments and extend the life cycle of the installed products.
A celebratory event was arranged on January 23rd in Daesan to present a gift to LG Chem to mark the occasion. The event marks an important milestone for protection and control relays from ABB and the event was organized to celebrate this moment with representatives from LG Chem and ABB's partner, the technical distributor company SD power.
LG Chem is known as the largest chemical company in South Korea and extends its chemical expertise into Basic Materials & Chemicals, IT & Electronic Materials and Energy Solutions. LG Chem and ABB have been working together successfully for several years. Already at the construction stage of the Daesan factory, ABB was chosen to supply the protection relays.
"We feel very happy and honored to be the owner of the 200,000th relay. This amount - 200,000 - indicates reliability of ABB relays to LG Chem" says Mr Gye-Soo Han, General Manager at LG Chem, and continues "when the 615 series reaches its one millionth delivery, please let LG Chem know in advance - we would like to be the owner of the one millionth relay too!"
Reliability, service and price are the top three priorities for power system investments also at LG Chem. The company has years of experience using ABB's relays and the reliability of the relays has been thoroughly verified to their full satisfaction. Pricing is always sensitive, however, the company places even more value on the wide scope of services ABB and its partners offer to secure and optimize their investments and extend the life cycle of the installed products. Training opportunities are also seen as an important service to gain understanding about the efficient and safe use of the products.
LG Chem will install the 200,000th relay in the Daesan chemical factory. The relay is a Motor protection and control REM615 relay and its more precise location is yet to be confirmed. It is likely to be used in the Naphtha Cracking Center (NCC) facility, which is the key facility in the factory.
Best-selling Relion 615 series - compact and powerful solutions for utility and industrial power distribution systems
The highly acclaimed 615 relay series has become one of the most popular relays in the Relion product family. The series has been sold to roughly 170 countries worldwide and have been localized into numerous languages.
"We are very excited to celebrate this milestone for our Relion 615 series" says Padmasri Krishnamurthy, Product Group Manager, Distribution Automation at ABB. "We continue to push forward, to add functionality and features, and to develop protection relay innovations that create products and solutions that improve the reliability and performance of power systems."
The Relion product family offers a full range of genuine IEC 61850 products for the protection, control, measurement and supervision of generation, distribution, sub-transmission, and transmission systems.