Wind power plant performance analysis

ABB's automation system for wind provides a wide range of diagnostics and data analytics to monitor and control the performace of wind power plants.
The diagnostics functionality spans all aspects of plant operations, from high-level Key Performance Indicators (KPI) providing fast and easy assessments of asset status to Symphony® Plus’ Condition Monitoring software. A wide range of standardized or customer-specific KPIs provide immediate information about plant performance and the efficiency of individual wind turbines, including the power curve, capacity factor and much additional relevant information. Analyst, Symphony Plus’s Condition Monitoring performance assessment software for rotatory machines, provides the user with deep analysis of vibration, temperature and other relevant turbine data to determine equipment health. It also indicates the time left to reach a defined threshold in order to schedule the maintenance plan according to actual plant status, and has the ability to identify possible damage in order to save maintenance time and repair only what is necessary.

Integration of advanced sensing technologies such as Spinner Anemometer and LiDAR systems into the routines for calcualting the performance of wind farms sets Symphony Plus for Wind apart. Performance improvements can be easily assesed based on more accurate and realistic power curves calculated using such technologies.

Why ABB?

Experience, expertize and innovation are some of the pillars we stand on. ABB has been one of the pioneers in wind power, supplying products, systems and solutions to this industry for more than 30 years, in addition to being a global leader in automation. And Symphony Plus for Wind combines all of these in one system.

  • Leading automation solution combined with world class wind power expertize
  • Plant performance analysis goes from high level KPIs to detailed life time and condition monitoring of components
  • Advanced sensing technologies used to provide more benefits to our customers



Wind power plants

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