Remote management system

Maximize uptime, boost your revenues

Effective management of wind power plants is made today using remote management centers. Flexible and scalable SCADA architecture is essential to support the growing business of wind power. Symphony Plus for Wind provides this flexibility and relies on S+ Operations, the best in class operations console, to maximize plant's uptime and consequently to boost the revenues related to power production. Designed with awareness and effectiveness in mind, S+ Operations features a performant alarm management system which helps operators categorize their alarms and focus on the critical operations. A very intuitive and structured human machine interface (HMI) is in place to visualize the process data and support the decission making of the operators. The integration of Geographical Information System (GIS) with the SCADA allows for effective visualization of plant information, structured over the map and zoom levels. Real time and forecasts of weather conditions can be integrated into the system to help the preparation and planning of plant maintenance. Moreover, diagnostics and data analytics applications help operators taking the right decisions.

Owed to telecontrol functionalities, remote operation of field devices such as wind turbines, substation equipment or any other electrical devices further improve the effectiveness of plant operations. To manage the power production of the entire fleet, the operators have the option to manually enter setpoints for each of the plants or use an automatic power regulation function (link to fleet optimization page) which ensures the best economic operating point of the entire fleet. 

Why ABB?

xperience, expertize and innovation are some of the pillars we stand on. ABB has been one of the pioneers in wind power, supplying products, systems and solutions to this industry for more than 30 years, in addition to being a global leader in automation. And Symphony Plus for Wind combines all of these in one system.

  • Leading automation solution combined with world class wind power
  • Plant performance analysis goes from high level KPIs to detailed life time and condition monitoring of components
  • Advanced sensing technologies used to provide more benefits to our customers

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