Unlock the value of your distributed energy resources

The disruption of the energy landscape is bringing additional challenges to almost all areas of the industry:
  • Industrial enterprises
  • Utilities and power providers
  • Whole districts/areas, cities and municipalities

As power networks increasingly depend on renewables and distributed energy systems, controlling and optimizing those systems - reliably and profitably - is now a priority. Balancing electrical grid and on-site consumption based on energy demand is especially challenging when your energy sources are decentralized.

In addition to minimizing operational costs, energy suppliers are looking to either expand into new markets, or are already present in multiple energy markets (the lucrative ancillary service and capacity markets, for example).

Optimally distributing subsequently ancillary service calls (mFRR, aFRR, FCR) and including them into the daily operational schedule is a complex task that demands an intelligent energy management and optimization system, one that makes efficient use of eligible technical units.

The solution is OPTIMAX® for Virtual Power Plants.

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OPTIMAX® for Virtual Power Plants

OPTIMAX® for Virtual Power Plants seamlessly aggregates and integrates decentralized generation, flexible loads, and storage systems (so called distributed energy resources, or DERs) into a virtual power plant. Join monitoring, control and optimization enables cost-effective operation of your enterprise.

Transformative. Sustainable. Scalable.

How it works

Real time operation

  • Automatic Asset Dispatch and real-time control

  • Optimal Ancillary Service and demand response distribution

  • Schedule disaggregation

Day-ahead and intra-day-optimization

  • Optimally plan your portfolio

  • Automatic rescheduling

  • Subsequent optimization runs

Forecasting and trading

  • Loading and Renewable Forecast

  • Flexibility Indication

  • Trading Decision Support

Reporting and engineering

  • Easy to create reports & send production data to billing system (per asset, per market, per customer, per type)

  • One-click installation and removal of assets

  • Include your own models


Control costs and meet regulatory requirements

Aggregates and dispatches decentralized generation resources and monitors operations to control operational costs and comply with emissions regulations and other reporting and trading obligations.

Maximize trading opportunities

Maximizes revenue from optimal participation through intelligent trading of surplus energy on wholesale energy markets using the forecasting, planning, and real-time optimization.

Expand into new markets

Helps you expand into new markets and offer unique business models based on its flexible architecture. Provides new functionalities to existing and potential customers and scales to accommodate additional DERs.

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