Improvement Plan
The improvement plan defines how to resolve the performance bottleneck and improve performance. In addition, the financial impact for each recommendation is provided.
Based on the findings, recommendations may include: valve replacement; correcting the sources of high-frequency machine problems related to rolls, pumps, screens, machine clothing; cleaning up signal conditioning problems; optimizing or adding control logic; updating standard operating procedures; or re-tuning controls for optimal performance.
The Stock Approach Fingerprint is the first step in achieving and sustaining higher performance levels. Annual Fingerprint, Implementation, and Sustaining services are recommended as part of your service agreement to achieve and continue the improvement process. These can be scheduled within a single or multi-year service agreement.
ABB is the world leader in pulp and paper control applications. In-depth knowledge and experience in this area allows comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, remedial recommendations and implementation, and the ability to manage and sustain process performance improvement.