Stock Approach Fingerprint

Current process and control performance is benchmarked to determine stock approach stability improvement opportunities. A comprehensive evaluation report is provided which outlines recommendations for improvement and associated estimated return on investment (ROI).

Typical savings potential: $45,000 – $160,000

The ABB Stock Approach Fingerprint is a platform-independent, non-invasive service that can be applied to any paper machine. The Fingerprint generates both a performance benchmark and an improvement plan, consisting of a set of improvement opportunities which are prioritized based on estimated economic benefits.

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Machine Testing
Improvement Plan
Delivery Schedule


− Facilitates management decisions by focusing on high-impact opportunities for improvement
− Provides clear path to quickly close performance gaps by using the proposed improvement plan
− Provides a solid foundation for continuous improvement based on data


− Access to ABB optimization experts
− Process performance benchmarking
− Detailed ROI-based improvement plan
− Clear communications during data collection and diagnosis activities

The benchmark measures product variability from the high-density storage through the stock approach system, to the headbox of the paper machine. This benchmark provides the basis for improvement recommendations.

Process Performance Indicators
The Stock Approach Fingerprint involves comprehensive testing and analysis including:
− High Frequency Analysis
− Process Stability
− Control Loop Assessment

These Performance Indicators measure stock approach process performance and improvement  area potential.

Machine Testing
Each performance index is made up of a series of indicators derived from specific machine tests. High-speed data is collected from the most upstream on-line scanner and several pressure taps are  monitored in key pieces of equipment in the stock approach area. The resulting performance indices are used to evaluate the performance level of the stock approach area of the paper-making process including:

− Mechanical vibration and rotational frequencies originating in the stock approach
− Frequency content of the sheet
− Mechanical issues such as bad valves and cavitation
− Signal conditioning issues including quantized signals and over filtering
− Process control issues including output oscillation and over control
− Control Loop tuning validity

Identifying that a stock approach process area is underperforming is the first step in the improvement process. Understanding the problem and having the expertise to provide solutions is assured through ABB’s extensive experience in coater controls.

Improvement Plan

The improvement plan defines how to resolve the performance bottleneck and improve performance. In addition, the financial impact for each recommendation is provided.

Based on the findings, recommendations may include: valve replacement; correcting the sources of high-frequency machine problems related to rolls, pumps, screens, machine clothing; cleaning up signal conditioning problems; optimizing or adding control logic; updating standard operating procedures; or re-tuning controls for optimal performance.

The Stock Approach Fingerprint is the first step in achieving and sustaining higher performance levels. Annual Fingerprint, Implementation, and Sustaining services are recommended as part of your service agreement to achieve and continue the improvement process. These can be scheduled within a single or multi-year service agreement.

ABB is the world leader in pulp and paper control applications. In-depth knowledge and experience in this area allows comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, remedial recommendations and implementation, and the ability to manage and sustain process performance improvement.

Delivery Schedule

Day 1

Project introduction meeting
Set up data collection software and hardware
Begin collecting stock approach
DCS data for Process Stability analysis

Day 2

Complete the scanner single-point collection for the High Frequency Analysis test
Begin setup for pulsation study which requires locating and hooking into pressure taps

Day 3
Complete high-speed data collection of pressure tap data

Day 4–5
Finalize DCS data collection and extract DCS PID loop tuning parameters
Prepare initial Summary of Findings and deliver exit presentation

Day 6

Complete final data analysis and generate Executive and Technical reports
Communication with the mill precedes scheduled activities to ensure coordination with ongoing mill activities.

A daily activity list includes items completed during the day, a summary of findings, and a plan for the following day.

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