Service offerings

Across the globe

In all of our repair centers, we follow established repair and fault-finding procedures. These start with visual inspection, cleaning, detailed inspection and diagnostic measurements; continuing with the actual repair work and ending with functional tests.

In everything we do, we aim for the fastest turnaround times possible. For the majority of repairs we are able to promise a repair with predefined lead time so you as customer can plan for the repair. Every repair we do is accompanied by a report, detailing the faults found and the remedies taken.

Service engineers

With service engineer experts across the globe, we will make sure that your investment is utilized in the best way.

From spares and consumables to upgrades and training, our engineers are on hand to visit your site to investigate, test and offer advice on all of our Force Measurement product range.

+ Services provided by Service Engineers

   Product  Spares & consumables  Commissioning  Repairs  Upgrades  Health check  Training  Lifecycle services
Web_image_flatness-measurement-products_390x205  Flatness control   x  x  x  x
Web_image_thickness-measurement-products_390x205  Thickness gauge   x  x
mrf-load-cells-m-400-400   Roll force measurement  x  x  x  x
Web_image_strip-tension-measurement-products_390x205   Strip tension measurement   x  x    x
Millmate Strip Scanner System  Strip width and position measurement     x  x    x
2 Weighing WEB READY  Weiging         x    x  x
Web tension WEB READY   Web tension measurement  x  x  x  x    x  x

Repair Centers

With 5 fully equipped repair centers across the globe, we are able to support customers in all regions with their servicing needs.

Västerås, Sweden

The Sweden repair center is equipped with the latest technology to ensure high quality workmanship.  Our repair center has the capability to test, inspect and repair all Force Measurement products for all customers.

Kangqiao, Shanghai, China

The center, established in 2013, offers a broad range of repair, inspection and test services for most Force Measurement products to domestic customers in China

Mishima, Tokyo, Japan

The center, established in 2010, offers a broad range of repair, inspection and test services for most Force Measurement products for domestic and Asian customer.

Danbury, CT, USA

The center offers a broad range of repair services for most Force Measurement products and is equipped with the latest technology to ensure high quality inspection, test and repairs to service our American customers.

Ratingen, Germany

The center offers a selected range of repair services for some Force Measurement products and is equipped with the latest technology to ensure high quality inspection, test and repairs.

Our services

Health Checks
Lifecycle services


Want to know more

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