WiMon System Integration Options

There are two ways to integrate the vibration monitoring system (i.e. WiMon system) into 800xA. The first option involves the use of Modbus TCP or RTU for connectivity. The second option is to use the HART OPC server. Both of these options are illustrated underneath.

Modbus TCP or RTU connectivity

The WirelessHART gateway collects the vibration and temperature data from the WiMon 100 sensors and forwards it to AC800M controller through Modbus TCP or RTU. ABB provides the necessary Modbus libraries for the 800xA interface. The data then becomes available to WiMon Data Manager (WDM) and ABB Analyst. The operator can examine the status of the monitored assets through the 800xA Maintenance Workplace where the vibration monitoring system appears. The gateway can be configured and parameterized directly from the WiMon Data Manager through direct Ethernet connection. This complete scheme is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. System level connectivity of the complete WiMon system using AC800M controller

HART OPC data connectivity

In this option, the gateway collects the data from the WiMon 100 sensors and forwards it to the WDM workstation. There, a HART OPC server is running and exposes the data as an input to the 800xA OPC DA server running on the 800xA System server. The communication between the two OPC servers is possible thanks to ABB Interface Handler. This is an ABB software package that allows two OPC servers to exchange data over a TCP/IP network. The operator can examine the status of the monitored assets through the 800xA Maintenance Workplace where the vibration monitoring system appears. The data is also available to WDM and ABB Analyst tools for further analysis. This scheme is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. System level connectivity of the complete WiMon system using HART OPC

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