The next challenge they are working to overcome is reducing the amount of natural gas the mill uses. They’ve already made some headway with the use of biogas but Coralie is looking at internal and external solutions to substitute natural gas.
“We are going to implement a heat exchanger to reduce the gas consumption because this is our biggest challenge. We’ve worked in the last 2 years on improving the biogas production thanks to a wastewater treatment plan, which now substitutes between 6 to 10% of natural gas,” she explains. “But the next step, which the company is supporting us on, is in optimizing the processes of heat and cooling, so the heat exchanger is for that.”
Coralie is even working with a local gas supplier to do research on how to recover hot water and reuse it so that it saves on fresh water and gas consumption.
“It’s important to work in your surroundings to find local solutions, and even though there is always a cost, there is also support if you can show that there could be a more sustainable way to do things,” says Coralie. “Which is why even if the project is small, it has value. If we add up all these small projects around the world, it brings real value to the company group in supporting those larger sustainability goals. And that brings value to the world.”