Where previously operators at the mill had to make manual adjustments, ABB’s QCS has delivered greater control of the paper machine, ensuring production quality is higher, less downtime and the ability to implement faster production changes while keeping high production quality. Since implementation, the mill has experienced a reduction in sheet breaks, better runnability of the machine and less rejects, improving efficiencies across the entire process.
Operators now have access to automatic grade changes and can more quickly and easily make changes needed to correct quality issues and ensure high performance. Since implementation in March 2023, the mill has only had to make one manual adjustment, where previously manual adjustments were taking place almost daily. Having the QCS system integrated in the plant overall DCS provides a uniform single interface and improves the operator effectiveness.
Enhanced control of integrated actuators also ensures that the mill has more accurate cross directional controls and more reliable measurements, saving time and energy of sensor calibration and optimization.
ABB’s QCS also provides steam savings and can deliver an estimated 2% reduction in production losses, which can equate to a reduction of 1,100 tons of Co2e emissions for each machine, each year.
Delivering comprehensive training and support for the mill’s operators ensured a successful implementation, instilling confidence in the large operational change.