Smart Platform to Network Platform Upgrade

Take advantage of the latest measurements, signal processing and diagnostics technology – without replacing an entire scanner.

Cost-effective lifecycle support and evolution is extremely important with QCS sensors and scanners given the mission criticality of the systems, the importance of using of new sensor and signal processing technologies for competitive advantage, and the need for minimized downtime on the machine to execute an improvement project.

ABB provides an upgrade path that allows the evolution of your existing Smart Platform technology to the latest Network Platform technology with a cost and downtime-efficient upgrade. This upgrade allows you to take advantage of new platform software, signal processing and sensor support features without replacing the entire scanning platform. It also allows you to take advantage of new sensors designed for the advanced computational and signal processing capabilities of the Network Platform architecture. 
Network Platform's structure, mechanical drive system and cabling are functionally identical to Smart Platform designs. 
The new Network Platform ASPC supports most sensors currently in field operation. 

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