Real Progress in decarbonization: Pulp and paper's journey to net zero

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Pulp and paper will play an important role in the decarbonization of the world. The industry is uniquely positioned in that its raw material can be sustainably grown, recycled multiple times, and supports a carbon cycle. However decarbonization is also one of the biggest challenges the industry faces. The papermaking process is energy-intensive and needs a large amount of water. To ensure a viable future, the sector urgently needs to reduce its carbon emissions and improve its management of resources. 

Including expert insights from Metsä Group, Sappi, Smurfit Westrock, UPM, Modellfabrik Papier, Metsäteollisuus, ABB, this industry paper examines the pulp and paper sector’s journey to net zero, with a focus on what has been achieved and what practical steps companies can take now through the digitalization, automation and electrification of processes. 
This paper discusses:

  • The drivers of decarbonization in the sector, and how it's tracking
  • What is required to achieve sustainability, including the barriers to overcome
  • Decarbonization solutions and the pathways forward
  • Real Progress in action

Innovating for tomorrow: How the pulp and paper industry is turning the page for a sustainable future

This industry paper is part of our Real Progress in pulp and paper sustainability series; the first released is Innovating for tomorrow: How the pulp and paper industry is turning the page for a sustainable future. 

Including insights and innovations from Metsä Group, Sappi, Smurfit Westrock, Södra, Modellfabrik Papier, Metsäteollisuus, ABB, our first paper in the series explores how current innovations in the pulp and paper sector are translating to real progress in sustainability.


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