System 800xA training

System 800xA is known for delivering productivity through consolidating process, electrical, safety, and telecoms in one system and providing the ultimate high performance operator control room environment featuring the Extended Operator Workplace.                    

In our System 800xA courses participants will learn about the operation and configuration of the IndustrialIT Extended Automation System 800xA with AC 800M controllers and the Control Builder M tool utilizing BMI Minerals Library for application programming and process control. Participants can also learn how to utilize the Engineering Base (EBase).

Course descriptions


Online registration
Enrollment form

Please note, all the other System 800xA courses we provide on request only.

Request an offer

Would you like to have a course session just for your company? Here in our Learning Center in Switzerland or on-site at your place? Contact us and we will be pleased to make you an offer.
Phone: +41 58 586 75 26    
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