ABB University China

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Welcome to ABB University China 

 We believe that it is competitive and well-trained employees that make a company successful in real sense. The objective of ABB University China is to provide customer learning opportunity, and to share ABB's cutting-edge technologies to ensure maximizing business performance for the customers.

In the past years, ABB has delivered many industrial solutions and products, and became the leader of power and industry automation in the world. Today ABB China is an international local company with sales & service offices in 60 major cities of China. ABB University China offers abundant training courses and programs to meet various requirements of customer.

Courses in China
Course Offering
ABB University Beijing Learning Center

Address: ABB (China) Limited, Universal plaza, 10 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing,100016, P.R.China
Telephone: +8610 64233141