The ABB NASCAR Electrification Partnership will explore high-performance electric racing and create strategic opportunities for electrification in the sport, including race vehicles, electrification infrastructure, and energy education.

Meet the ABB NASCAR EV Prototype

ABB NASCAR EV Prototype Chicago

Learn more about the 1300-plus-hp EV prototype

"We work together with NASCAR driver David Ragan to give us feedback from driving - how the powertrain is handling, how the car is handling and how the tires are handling" - CJ Tobin, NASCAR Engineer

ABB NASCAR EV Prototype Chicago

Where to view the ABB NASCAR EV Prototype

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ABB NASCAR Electrification Partnership

The ABB NASCAR Electrification Electrification Partnership will explore high-performance electric racing and create strategic opportunities for electrification in the sport, including race vehicles, electrification infrastructure, and energy education.