Compact Control Builder for AC 800M Controller

A Windows®-based tool for creating control solutions and reusable libraries for AC 800M controllers including integration of ABB Drives and Motor Starters.

The Compact Control Builder is a powerful tool for creating control solutions and reusable control libraries for ABB's AC 800M. The software offers a wide range of control functionality for AC 800M including integration of ABB Drives and Motor Starters.

From binary logic to advanced regulatory control, from discrete process signals to high-level process objects. Supporting standard IEC 61131-3 programming languages, Compact Control Builder is the tool for engineering the control code and the hardware layout of AC 800M. It creates logic, sequential and analog control-intensive automation solutions for all existing controllers in the automation system to be handled in one database.

Latest release:

The Compact Control Builder AC 800M 6.2.0-0 complements the Compact Product Suite with the following key highlights:

Supported Operating Systems:
• Windows 11 Pro and Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
• Windows 10 LTSC 2021 and LTSC 2019 Enterprise & IOT versions
• Windows Server 2022 and 2019 Standard/Datacenter

Supported Microsoft Office versions
Microsoft Office 2016, 2019 and 2021.

Indication of memory consumption
Controller memory consumption will be checked with every download and every attempt to go online or test mode.

Supervise MMS communication latency
Added MMS Supervision to detect problems with communication that may otherwise be difficult to see.

Support for PROFINET APL devices according to PA Profile 4.02 MU1
PA Profile Support is automatically enabled if a gsd-file for a PA device following the PA Profile 4.02 MU1 is imported using PROFINET Enhanced Parser. For these device types full NE107
status indication is supported including Out of Specification and Function Check what is not
defined in PROFINET standard. When deselecting PA Profile Support, Out of Specification and
Function Check will not be indicated for the device.

Up to 252 single or 126 redundant PNIO devices with CI871A.

S100 I/O Ethernet FCI
This release adds support for redundant S100 I/O Ethernet communication to connect a AC 800M controller to an existing S100 I/O system from a Advant Master (AC450) or Advant MOD 300 (AC460) controller. The new Ethernet communications interface solution includes an Ethernet FCI module (CI846) hosted by a new termination unit (TU866) and connects to AC 800M controllers via the already available PROFINET CI871A module.

Hardware Unit specific indication of BC810/BC820 status
A system alarm reports the status of the BC810/BC820 modules i.e. if upper or lower is unavailable. Status is also reported as bits in the Hardware Unit for PM unit.

New major version of S500CI54xCI854HwLib, 3.0-1 with identifier related diagnosis and more details in faceplates, graphical elements, and alarm- and event list.

Earlier releases:

The Compact Control Builder AC 800M 6.1.1-2 complements the Compact Product Suite with the following key highlights:

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Windows 10 Enterprise 2021H2 LTSC, Windows Server 2022, Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC, Windows Server 2019, Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB and Windows Server 2016.

Indication of memory consumption for Control Builder before download
A warning dialog will be shown if a warning level has been exceeded. This check will be done
before the analysis dialog is shown during every download and every attempt to go online or
test mode.

OPC Server update rates
When a client connects to the OPC server, the default group update rate is limited to be at
least 2 x the highest MMS update rate.

Open Interface allows secure download to the Soft Controller
The Control Builder Open Interface allows download to Soft Controller in a test or simulation

CI860 support for Switch Primary
The Control Builder Function Switch Primary is now available for the CI860 CEX-module.

S500CI54xCI854 HwLib
New major version of the S500CI54xCI854HwLib, 3.0-1 is available. Supporting CI85x devices with device index F2 or higher.

The Compact Control Builder AC 800M 6.1.1-0 complements the Compact Product Suite with the following highlights:

New communication options:
- Introduction of the OPC UA Wizard tool in Compact Control Builder
- Introduction of the new CI874 Communication Interface enabling OPC UA connectivity to AC 800M controllers acting as a generic OPC UA Client

Increased security:
- Added support for firmware file verification to ensure that the firmware on the controllers is untampered
- SoftController supports signed download of control logic
- AC 800M controllers have been ISA Secure CSA certified in reference to the standards IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4-2
- System events will be sent when BC810/BC820 modules are being inserted or removed

Increased flexibility:
- Virtualization is now supported through VMWare ESxi 6.7 and VMWare ESXi 7.0. Additionally, HyperV on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 is fully supported as well

Improved lifecycle support:
- Supports Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC
- Supports Microsoft Office 2019, 2016 and 2013

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 Control Diagram Editor - Tutorial


Getting started


Adding and working with objects


Working with structured variables


Using SFCs and structured text


Creating your own diagram types


Execution order of diagrams


Using paste special to reduce code

Key benefits

Integrated programming tool - Single tool that contains a compiler, programming editors, standard libraries for developing PLC applications and standard hardware types (units) in libraries for hardware configuring.

Self-defined libraries - Create your own self-defined libraries containing data types, function block types and more which can be connected to any project. Various functions and type solutions for simple logic control, device control, loop control, alarm handling etc. are packaged as standard libraries. 
Re-use of libraries - Reduced engineering by promoting re-use of user-defined libraries of data and function block types 

Comprehensive diagnostics -  Powerful simulation and online/offline facilities for testing, program modification, troubleshooting and commissioning. Features for online testing include Status inspection, Force, Overwrite, Tasks.
IEC 61131-3 Programming - Support for all five IEC 61131-3 languages giving you the flexibility to choose the language that best fits your needs : Function Block Diagram (FBD), Structured Text (ST), Instruction List (IL), Ladder Diagram (LD), Sequential Function Chart (SFC) and extension languages : Diagram Editor with Function Diagram and Control Modules.  

Control Diagram Editor
Control Diagram Editor is the next generation editor which helps to increase engineering efficiency, reduce engineering mistakes, and enable the creation of logic which is easy to read and maintain.

Control modules in combination with Control Diagram Editor supports forward and feedback signals in one and the same variable. The result is powerful and easy to read control logic.

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