LifeCycle Index initiates Advant OCS evolution to 800xA at Cemex Germany

Controllers preserved, new HMI and data management improve plant supervision and productivity


CEMEX HüttenZement GmbH in Dortmund is modernizing its control engineering installations of the blast-furnace cement works to obtain a significant improvement in functionality. The migration was initiated by ABB’s LifeCycleIndexTM.

Control system modernization

CEMEX produces and distributes cement, ready-mixed concrete, aggregates and associated building materials in more than 50 countries. The company currently employs more than 57,000 people throughout the world. With an annual sales volume of more than US$ 21 billion, CEMEX is one of the three biggest cement manufacturers in the world (position as of 2008).

The modern-day CEMEX HüttenZement GmbH in Dortmund has trusted in ABB technology for production control since 1982. Procontic DP800, Master Piece 200, Master-View 800 and Advant OCS were the control systems which ensured a smooth production flow.

Modernization has culminated in the migration of the Advant OCS operating level to ABB’s System 800xA. For the analysis, ABB’s LifeCycle IndexTM was used to determine the productivity status and to identify potentials for improvement in the areas of technology, plant supervision and productivity management.

The migration to the new system has helped to reach the goal of reduced down times and increased availability.


ABB technology was used for the modernization of the control engineering systems of the milling and mixing plant. ABB supplied the 800xA control system as well as a new motor control center (MCC) for loading cement and an ACS800 frequency converter system for the roller press in Mill 7 with a motor power of 2x500 kW.

Scope of supply

  • System 800xA with 13 client workstations
  • ACS800 frequency converter with motor power of 2 x 500 kW

Main facts

Industry Cement
Customer CEMEX cement plant           
Location Dortmund, Germany
  • Migration of Advant OCS operating level to ABB's System 800xA
  • ABB's LifeCycle Index was used to determine the productivity status and to identify potentials for improvement in the areas of technology, plant supervision and productivity management.  
  • Advant Master Controllers can continue to be used
  • Large amount of data will be retrievable via 800xA human machine interface
  • Reduced down times by faster searches for documents during an incident event
  • Rapid fault diagnosis for the electricians
  • Increased availability


A large amount of data and information will be easily retrievable via the 800xA human-machine interface (HMI). Searches in the document archive during an event will therefore be avoided and the down time reduced. Moreover, the system will also enable the works electricians to make a fast fault diagnosis with signal tracing up to the peripheral units. Video technology was also integrated in the new control system during the conversion. Eight cameras which can be controlled via the 800xA operator interface are currently available for the provision of live images. Access to CAD documentation and technical data sheets of the equipment components and integration of ABB’s Knowledge Manager for industry-specific reporting and long-term archiving of process data have also been implemented. In addition, reports and process displays can be visualized via a data projector in the meeting room 500 meters away.
Reports and process displays can be visualized via a data projector in the meeting room 500 meters away

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