ABB PIMS for Siemens Teleperm ME control technology at Esbjergvaerket power plant

Production data acquisition and conditioning, long-term archival, alarm list, ratio computations, lifetime monitoring and comprehensive accounting running on ABB's Process Information Management System (PIMS)

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PIMS has been running since April 2003 without a hitch, and to the full satisfaction of the client ELSAM A/S Group.

Since first being commissioned in 1992, the hard-coal-fired power plant Esbjergvaerket was equipped throughout with Siemens Teleperm ME control technology.

The order placed with ABB covered the entire process computer in Unit 3, including signal conditioning for approximately 1,000 process signals. Besides production data acquisition and conditioning, functions like long-term archival, alarm list, ratio computations, lifetime monitoring and comprehensive accounting requirements had to be replaced. The core of the systems is the Process Information Management System (PIMS), which with the aid of its client/server architecture and its modularised structure could be precisely tailored to the client’s requirements.

The basis process data acquisition is provided by direct coupling to the Siemens CS275 Bus of the existing process control system Teleperm ME. The PC workstations of PlantConnect’s users are located in the control room of the power plant unit concerned, and directly on the office PCs of the engineers and technicians involved.

In this context, the project has once again demonstrated the flexibility of ABB's PIMS solution employed.

This successful project underlines suitability of ABB Process Information Management System software for plants without an ABB control system. Our portfolio of functions includes flexible options for linking up to all major control systems

Its possible applications are not restricted to energy generation and can be used in other industries.

Main facts

Industry Energy and utilities
Customer Esbjergvaerket hard-coal-fired power plant
Country Denmark
Process Information Management System

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