S800 I/O for Advant Master

ABB S800 I/O for Advant Master DCS, a higly modularized and flexible distributed I/O system for Advant Controller 410 and Advant Controller 450.

S800 I/O is a higly modularized and flexible process I/O system, distributed I/O to the Advant Controller 400 Series controllers primarily using the high performance Advant Fieldbus 100.

System features include:

  • Flexibility, permitting a virtually infinite number of installation arrangements, small or large, horizontal or vertical, indoors or outdoors, wall mounting or floor standing
  • Safety, including functions like mechanical coding of modules and individual safety values for output channels
  • Modularity, permitting step-by –step expansion without bottlenecks ever developing
  • Cost-effectiveness, making you save on hardware, cabling, installation and maintenance
  • Reliability, thanks to features such as auto diagnostics and redundancy with bump less, automatic change-over
  • Ruggedness, S800 I/O has passed tough type tests by leading maritime inspection and classification societies, confirming that the equipment is able to operate reliably and durably even under the most extreme conditions. All S800 I/O modules are  G3 classified.

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S800 I/O Station
A S800 I/O Station can consist of a base cluster and up to 7 additional I/O clusters. The base cluster consists of a Fieldbus Communication Interface and up to 12 I/O modules. I/O cluster 1 to 7 consist of an Optical ModuleBus modem and up to 12 I/O modules. A S800 I/O Station can have a maximum of 24 I/O modules. I/O cluster 1 to 7 is connected to the FCI module through an optical expansion of the ModuleBus.

The Fieldbus Communication Interface module communicates with its I/O modules over the ModuleBus. The ModuleBus can support up to 8 clusters, one base cluster and up to 7 I/O clusters. The base cluster consists of a communication interface module and I/O modules. An I/O cluster consists of an Optical ModuleBus modem and I/O modules. The Optical ModuleBus modems are connected via optical cables to an optional ModuleBus Optical port module on the communication interface module. The maximum length of the Optical ModuleBus expansion is dependent of the number of Optical ModuleBus modems. The maximum length between two clusters is 15 m (50 ft.) with plastic fiber and 200 m (667 ft.) with glass fiber. Factory made optical cables plastic fiber) are available in lengths of 1.5, 5 and 15 m (5, 16 or 49 ft.). The Optical ModuleBus expansion can be build up in two ways, a ring or a duplex communication.

Fieldbus Communication Interface modules
The Fieldbus Communication Interface (FCI) modules have an input for one 24 V D.C. power. The FCI provides 24V D.C. (from the source) and isolated 5V D.C. power to the base cluster’s I/O modules (12 maximum) by way of the ModuleBus connections. There are three types of FCI one for single Advant Fieldbus 100 configurations, one for redundant Advant Fieldbus 100 configurations and one for single PROFIBUS configurations. The power source can be the SD811/812 power supplies, battery, or other IEC664 Installation Category II power sources. Power status inputs, 2 x 24 V, to monitor 1:1 redundant mains are also provided.

Module Termination Units
Termination Units are available as Compact MTU or Extended MTU. A compact MTU normally offers termination of one wire per channel for a 16-channel module. With compact MTU power distribution of field circuits must be made with external terminal blocks and current limiting components if required. Extended MTU with group-wise isolated interfaces allows for two or three wire termination of field circuits and provides group-wise or individually fuses, maximum 6.3A glass tube type, for powering field objects. Extended MTU, which offer two or three wire terminations, allows direct field object cable termination. The need for external marshalling is therefore drastically reduced or eliminated when extended MTU is used.

Optical ModuleBus Expansion
Using a ModuleBus Optical port module on the Fieldbus can expand the ModuleBus Communication Interface module and communicates via an optical cable with the Optical ModuleBus modem in the I/O cluster. 

S800 I/O modules supported by the Advant Controller 400 Series

S800L I/O Assortment
AI801 Analog, 1*8 Inputs. 0…20mA, 4...20mA, 12 bit., 0.1%
AO801 Analog, 1*8 Outputs, 0…20mA, 4...20mA, 12 bit.
DI801 Digital, 1*16 Inputs, 24V D.C.
DO801 Digital, 1*16 Outputs, 24V D.C., 0.5A short circuit proof
S800 I/O Assortment
AI810 Analog, 1*8 Inputs 0(4) ... 20mA, 0 ... 10V
AI820 Analog, 1*4 Inputs, bipolar differential
AI830 Analog, 1*8 Inputs, Pt-100 (RTD)
AI835 Analog, 1*8 Inputs, TC
AI890 Analog, 1*8 Inputs. 0…20mA, 4...20mA, 12 bit, IS. interface
AO810 Analog, 1*8 Outputs 0(4) ... 20mA
AO820 Analog, 4*1 Outputs, bipolar individually isolated
AO890 Analog 1*8 Outputs. 0…20mA, 4...20mA, 12 bit, IS. interface
DI810 Digital, 2*8 Inputs, 24V D.C.
DI811 Digital, 2*8 Inputs, 48V D.C.
DI814 Digital, 2*8 Inputs, 24V D.C., current source
DI820 Digital, 8*1 Inputs, 120V A.C./110V D.C.
DI821 Digital, 8*1 Inputs, 230V A.C./220V D.C.
DI830 Digital, 2*8 Inputs, 24V D.C., SOE Handling
DI831 Digital, 2*8 Inputs, 48V D.C., SOE Handling
DI885 Digital, 1*8 Inputs, 24V/48V D.C., open circuit monitoring, SOE Handling
DI890 Digital, 1*8 Inputs, IS. interface
DO810 Digital, 2*8 Outputs 24V, 0.5A short circuit proof
DO814 Digital, 2*8 Outputs 24V, 0.5A short circuit proof, current sink
DO815 Digital, 2*4 Outputs 24V, 2A short circuit proof, current sink
DO820 Digital, 8*1 Relay Outputs, 24-230 V A.C.
DO821 Digital, 8*1 Relay Outputs, normally closed channels, 24-230 V A.C.
DO890 Digital, 1*4 Outputs, 12V, 40mA, IS. interface
DP820 Pulse Counter, 2 channels, Pulse Count and Frequency Measurement 1.5 MHz.

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