System 800xA Software

Control Systems' global sales support team provides System 800xA software in updated branding as well as hardware cases to be used as a sales kits for product presentations, fairs and events, trainings, offline engineering and more than this.

System 800xA Software Application

System 800xA application help prospective customers realize the immense capabilities of this power automation software offering.

The 800xA Standard application, has been upgraded to the latest versions, 6.2 with the latest server operating system, includes message displays, brochures, videos and sales tools that help present System 800xA without having to use presentations. We added Operations Client, Smart Client, updated Process Recall as well as Field Information Manager. Distillation Column based on PCDevice library was also integrated into the system. Find more information in Release Notes documentation.
There are three versions of applications: 1) In the cloud, 2) For download, and 3) xStream Engineering.

Click on the arrows to find out more, how to access, etc.


800xA Hardware Kits

Seeing is believing. Use the new application use cases to show how Select I/O & xStream Engineering help take control of the critical path of any project.



800xA Select I/O Virtual Cabinet

ABB Process Controller Platform introduces the System 800xA Select I/O Virtual Cabinet. This is an interactive tool to be used for exhibitions and fairs, customer engagements, and sales training and on-boarding. The application highlights the capabilities and functions of the System 800xA Select I/O.



Web version

Interactive online version publicly available for web viewing on PC/laptop or mobile devices.


4K fair version

Offline vertical version for use in showrooms, fairs, and similar environments where a large screen is required.



HD desktop version

Offline horizontal version that runs on less powerful hardware, to be used on conventional screens.


Setup instructions

Instructions on how to install, setup and run the 800xA Select I/O Virtual Cabinet.


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