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    Port of Tallinn will install the latest ABB shore power systems on five of its piers in the Old City Harbour as part of the first shore power project in Estonia, the aim of which is to  supply the vessels that visit the port with shore electricity and thus reduce emissions and noise created by the ships' engines. "The Tallinn Old City Harbour is one of the busiest ports in a capital city in

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    Tallinna Sadam paigaldab viiele Vanasadama kaile Eestis esimese omanäolise projekti raames ABB uusimad kaldaelektriseadmed, millega sadamas seisvad laevad saavad maapealset elektrit kasutades vähendada laevamootorite heitgaase ja mürareostust. „Tallinna Vanasadam on üks tihedaima laevaliiklusega sadamaid Euroopas ning kaldaelektri võimekuse loomine on märgilise tähisega samm laevaliikluse

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    The 5th Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB) takes place from September 11-15 in Kultuurikatel (the Creative Hub). This is the largest event in the field of architecture and construction of the Northern European region this year. The theme of this year's biennale is “Beauty matters. The Return of Beauty“ and it is curated by architect Yael Reisner. ABB is proud to be part of the event as headline

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    During the Tallinn Architecture Biennale, ABB is organizing a club-talk. The club-talk panel discussion will take place on September 12, at 1:15 pm at Kultuurikatel, which promises an emotional discussion on the key issues of contemporary architecture. Everyone is welcome to the panel discussion titled “Are you still in charge? Smart Technologies have changed the perspective of architecture”, the

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    ABB, as the Headline Partner of TAB 2019, is contributing in several ways to help to make this years event as memorable as possible. During the Sympoisum days, ABB will be taking care of providing a comfortable area for architects to enjoy coffee and make new connections. For that ABB will be setting up a lounge at the The Tallinn Creative Hub where visitors, beside enjoying manmade coffee and

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    Katrin Foerster took over her duty as International Key Account Manager at ABB in 2012.Her task is to have a special focus on how architects can be addressed and informed about ABB´s portfolio for the building industry. To get connected to the architectural community Katrin is visiting architectural offices around the globe but is also looking for institutions, events, architectural awards and

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    As the headline partner of TAB 2019, ABB plays a key role at the symposium´s panel discussion, too. ABB’s attending representative will be Dr. Kim Listmann, a highly respected manager for Automation and Grid Technologies at ABB´s Corporate Research Center in Ladenburg, Germany. In Kim’s opinion technology and beauty are not that far away from each other. His message during the panel discussion at

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    For the first time ABB Baltics are engaging as headline partner of TAB 2019 (Tallinn Architecture Biennale). ABB´s engagement at TAB is the start of a collaboration with architects and interior designers in the region and a new focus for ABB Baltics. The grand opening of TAB, being the most prominent event for architects and interior designers in The Baltics, takes place from September 11th to

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