
Press release

ABB expands manufacturing footprint in Indonesia

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    ABB authorized partner Prima Tekindo Tirta Sejahtera (PTTS) has adopted ABB Ability Mobile Connect to speed up drive testing and commissioning services with the help of remote access. In Indonesia, a vast country with 3 time zones, the ability to solve problems quickly in customers’ business-critical applications – without the need to visit the customer site – has been warmly welcomed.

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    Press release

    ABB, sebuah perusahaan global di bidang elektrifikasi dan otomatisasi, menghadirkan solusi distribusi listrik berteknologi terdepan. Kehadiran ABB bertujuan mendukung Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Terapung terbesar di Asia Tenggara mendistribusikan pasokan energi andal dan ramah lingkungan ke sekitar 50.000 rumah. PLTS terapung seluas 250 hektar yang berlokasi di Waduk Cirata Jawa Barat

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    Article and video

    ABB pemimpin global untuk solusi digital dan otomasi, berkomitmen untuk mendukung perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia dan seluruh Asia Tenggara dalam membangun bisnis yang tahan terhadap resesi melalui solusi otomasi yang berkelanjutan. Seiring dengan momentum pulihnya perekonomian pasca-pandemi, ABB dengan bangga menunjuk Pierre Leretz sebagai Manajer Lini Bisnis Lokal Asia Tenggara. Dengan

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    Stepping into one of the high-rise buildings in the Sudirman area of the capital city, it can be daunting to think about the people and stories waiting on the other side of the doors. The entire area is a map of companies that have led various industries for decades. With over 140 years of history that began in Switzerland and Sweden, ABB stands as a global technology leader in automation and

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    Press release

    ABB and Haleyora Power, a subsidiary of PT PLN Persero (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly explore, develop and deploy the electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Indonesia. The MoU combines ABB’s domain knowledge and expertise in EV charging solutions with Haleyora Power’s extensive network in power transmission and distribution across the

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    Press release

    ABB works together once again with PLN, Indonesia’s state-owned power utility, to supply high-quality miniature circuit breakers (MCBs), with competitive price, produced locally and have high domestic component level (TKDN – Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri). The contract signing ceremony took place today at PLN head office in Jakarta by Gerard Chan, President Director and Country Holding Officer of

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    In this podcast, Chen Kang Tan, Vice President and Head of Motion Business, ABB in Indonesia and R. M. Soedjono Respati, Chairman of The Indonesian Energy Conservation and Efficiency Society (MASKEEI) talked about the current state of energy efficiency in Indonesia and Energy Efficiency Movement that is driven by ABB Motion globally. They highlighted the challenges facing the country, inadequate

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    ABB in Indonesia continues to support the national energy efficiency and conservation program, by collaborating with the Indonesian Society for Conservation and Energy Efficiency (MASKEEI) at the Indonesia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference & Exhibition (IEECCE 2023) held from July 12 - 13, 2023. The collaboration was marked by an MoU signing to support the Energy Efficiency Movement

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    ABB perusahaan global terkemuka yang menyediakan solusi untuk proses industri dan manufaktur terus melakukan terobosan yang signifikan. ABB melalui divisi Process Industries membantu bisnis di sejumlah sektor utamanya dalam merampingkan proses mereka melalui transformasi digital. Adapun sektor utama ABB Process Industries ialah pulpdan kertas,semen, logam, pertambangan, gearless mill drive (GMD),

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