How do digital champions manage energy as they drive to achieve sustainability goals? [WEBINARS ON DEMAND]

recent CDP report found that out of 4,100 companies surveyed about their Net Zero commitments, just 81 have a credible plan. The sustainability puzzle widely remains unsolved today despite numerous “carrots” and “sticks” specifically targeting the industrial sector. Technologies are not always completely developed to support the effort. But it doesn’t mean we need to wait for all the answers to be there.

Join our webinar series to look at energy and digitalization pieces of the sustainability puzzle:

  • show what’s possible based on real-life examples of advanced process plants integrating sustainability into their daily operations
  • help you promote improvement opportunities within your own teams – cost savings, energy efficiency and decarbonization
  • provide new ideas for your sustainable development program  – especially when you feel that “low-hanging fruit” has already been picked.

Duration: Three sessions 30 min + 10 min Q&A each

Part 1: Watch on-demand 

A successful industrial energy management strategy: audit - monitor - forecast - optimize. Case studies across the pulp and paper, cement, mining, metals and manufacturing industries.

Part 2: Watch on demand 

Advanced energy efficiency ISO 50001 program, "what-if" scenarios, energy optimization examples, outcomes based business model and Demo. Case studies across the pulp and paper, cement, mining and metals industries.

Part 3: Watch on demand
Sustainability pathways beyond energy management: industrial water treatment, predictive emission monitoring, empowering front-line workers. Integrating sustainability into centralized digital operations: convergence with asset performance, process performance, operational excellence,  cyber security, industrial analytics and AI.

Get an expert assessment of your energy optimization potential or ask a question

ABB Process Industries’ digital experts on sustainability

Nazanin Azari
Digital Solution Consultant
Sustainability | Connected Workforce

Anis Korchi
Digital Portfolio Leader

Irina Descharmes
Product Marketing, Digital Portfolio
Sustainability | Connected Workforce

Partner with ABB for Sustainability

“None of us alone has all the answers. In some respects, we're all figuringit out as we go given the lack of precedent for the complexity of the climate and social challenges we face. That’s why collaboration makes sense in the attempt to scale sustainable markets."

Chief Sustainability Officer

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