Interoperability and integration is ensured as ABB’s products can communicate with most globally accepted protocols such as Modbus, M-Bus, KNX, etc. The following are highlights of ABB’s offering:
Energy meters - Energy meters are measuring devices for collecting and measuring electricity consumption and are DIN-rail mounted. They are typically used in industrial, residential and commercial buildings and collect data, for example, for energy management systems or cost analysis. There has been an increase of sub-meters in the industrial settings to determine energy costs of specific departments, processes or product lines.
G13 gateway - The G13 gateway is a product to facilitate the integration of Energy meters from ABB into a system environment. That is, from the system environment having one single access point to a network of meters. Up to 32 meters can be connected on the meter side which is accessed through an Ethernet connection on the system side of the G13.
M2M network analyzer - The M2M network analyzer offers expanded analysis functions that help optimize consumption as efficiently as possible. Only when building operators can view and measure all electrical parameters of an installation, can they detect energy loss and optimize power consumption. The M2M devices also offer conversion functions that can measure values in CO2 / kg and currency. These concrete and meaningful values allow access to and support of a more efficient use of resources that would otherwise only represent abstract data.
Circuit monitoring systems (CMS) - A circuit monitoring system is a multi-channel measure system for branch monitoring. Measuring of individual electric circuits is mainly useful for current monitoring. The system design consists of a control unit and sensors that are connected with a flat cable. The sensors communicate all through one line with the control unit; their compact size results in significant space savings. Up to 64 sensors can be connected to the control unit.