Routing Services

Routing services for marine can help ship owners and operators to find the most optimal route for their vessels, leading to fuel and cost savings. 

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New release: Future of routing

Reduce voyage costs & emissions with the new, intelligent Optimal Speed Routing.
Optimal Speed Routing is a ground-breaking feature in ABB's Routing services portfolio, designed to optimize vessel speed for substantial fuel savings. Read more below!





ABB Ability™ SPOS - Ship Performance Optimization System

Reduce voyage costs while ensuring safety with real-time onboard route optimization.

The Ship Performance Optimization System (SPOS) is an advanced decision support tool for onboard route optimization. SPOS uses weather forecasts, sea conditions, and your ship’s profile to help optimize your route. With it, you can make better-informed decisions on routes, ensure crew safety, and reduce voyage costs.
SPOS helps your captains and senior crews plan and adjust shipping routes
•  Analyze weather and ocean forecasts before and during voyages.
•  Plan and update detailed routes and port itineraries.
•  Recalculate optimum routes based on updated forecasts.
•  Report positions, planned routes, and additional parameters to shore.

SPOS features

Weather forecast input
Receive input up to four times a day, via e-mail or http download. Weather maps can be displayed on screen or printed. Over 20 input parameters for voyage optimization, salinity for ballasting, humidity and dew point for cargo ventilation.
Conditional parameters input
Specify and update vessel and voyage data during transit. Use the Ship Profile Library, developed with MARIN, which contains advanced algorithms for the resistance impact of wind and waves on specific vessel types.
Route planning and adjustment
Create route options based on time, cost or fuel constraints, either with or without a given ETA. Use weather optimized route network to plan port-to-port routes, including navigational constraints and port approaches. Variable speed routing functionality ensures ships can avoid severe weather.
Ship-to-shore reporting
Share travel updates with configurable reporting options. All routes, communications and performance indicators are available for onshore stakeholders via the FleetGuard web platform. Integration with FleetGuard and RouteGuard ensures a shared view across fleets.



ABB Ability™ Routeguard - Onshore Routing service

Reduce voyage costs while securing safety with expert marine route guidance.

Route-planning and optimization involves setting the optimum routes taking into consideration safety, costs and time. For ship captains this is a complex challenge for which they seek expert insight from master mariners and skilled meteorologists.
Routeguard enables ship owners and charterers to save time and fuel while keeping their crews, ships  and cargo safe with the provision of expert marine and meteorology advice on the optimal routes.

With Routeguard you can:
•  Save fuel and time: Expertly calculate routes with the lowest voyage costs.
•  Secure safe voyages: Reduce risks and increase safety by avoiding severe weather conditions.
•  Unburden captains: Make informed decisions utilizing personalized advice from master mariners and skilled meteorologists.
•  Improve fleet operational efficiency: Reduce downtime and ship and cargo damage by avoiding severe weather.

Routeguard features

Weather forecast analysis
Access in-house weather models from MeteoBase, specially adapted for marine
forecasts. Models contain variables, such as surface pressure, wind and waves, currents, ice and visibility.
Route planning and guidance
Calculate optimal routes based on ETA, costs and safety using expert advice and guidance from former seafarers and nautical meteorologists.
Fleetguard web platform
Monitor fleets, routes, communications and vessel performance with a fully-customizable, modular interface.
Performance monitoring and reporting
Receive detailed voyage performance analysis set to C/P standards. Make voyage savings using the Savings Reports module. Monitor weather performance with Analysis and Benchmark modules.


Optimal Speed Routing

Reduce voyage costs & emissions with the new, intelligent Optimal Speed Routing.
Optimal Speed Routing is a ground-breaking feature in ABB's Routing services portfolio, designed to optimize vessel speed for substantial fuel savings.

This innovative capability provides operators with the unique advantage of receiving real-time speed adjustment recommendations to navigate heavy weather conditions efficiently. Integrated within ABB Ability(TM) Routeguard - Onshore Routing Service, it leverages real-time meteorological data to suggest optimal speed changes. This not only minimizes fuel consumption, but also cuts costs and reduces emissions, paving the way for a greener, more efficient voyage.
The example voyages:

The total voyage cost savings enabled by Optimal Speed Routing compared to standard weather routing, based on a test case Supramax bulk carrier sailing from Barcelona to Stavanger. According to the study, if the vessel used Optimal Speed Routing within a range of 9–14 knots depending on conditions, its total voyage cost would be $122,000 (29%) lower than if it used standard weather routing and sailed at a fixed speed of 14 knots. Even if the vessel used standard weather routing to sail at a fixed speed of nine knots, its total voyage cost would be $2,300 (1%) greater than in if it used Optimal Speed Routing.

On a longer route, from Galveston to Stavanger, Optimal Speed Routing between 9 and 13.5 knots would reduce total voyage cost by $290,000 (32%) compared to standard weather routing fixed at 13.5 knots and by $11,000 (2%) compared to standard weather routing fixed at 9 knots, the study showed.


ABB Ability™ Fleetguard - Vessel and Weather Monitoring

Improve fleet performance and utilization with aggregated weather data and routing insights

Marine Weather is the most influential driver of fleet planning, fleet execution and fleet analysis. It influences high stakes decisions around ship chartering (in or out), voyage planning, voyage execution, ship maintenance and legal claims. Key is to balance control on fleet utilization with individual vessel performance while keeping an overview of all moving parts.
Fleetguard enables fleet operations and performance managers to improve fleet performance and utilization by applying aggregating weather data and routing insights to fleet decision making:
•  Improve fleet performance: Analyze fleet performance and drill down to vessel performance. Gain insight in trends, past performance and benchmark
•  Improve fleet utilization: Support decision making for day-2-day vessel operations, planning and performance using a.o. planned routes, weather forecasts, delays, damage risk and claim risk.
•  Increase vessel crew and cargo safety: Manage information for fleet alerting and safety decision making.

Fleetguard features

Operator dashboard
Access to operator dashboard with maps, KPIs and alerts. Customize the user interface using the configuration for your fleet group and the information you care about most.
Vessel (group) view
Zoom in from entire fleet, to groups of vessels and drill down on individual ship level that need your attention, and take appropriate actions.
Extensive map view
Combine weather forecasts, tracks and routes in a single overview.
Good and All-Weather Weather performance analysis
Incorporate weather data and models - including weather and current Extensive map view - Combine weather factors, slip analysis, SOG, STW and more.
Performance Dashboard
Customizable to support different roles and responsibilities. Access up-to-date performance for all vessels, calculated on normalized data to ensure comparability. 
Voyage calculations/optimization
Create route options based on time, cost or fuel constraints, either with or without a given ETA.
Vessel trend and benchmark analysis
Access cleaned-up data. Select, filter, combine and compare to get insights on vessel performance over time.
Onboard Reporting
Prevent duplication of reporting using the Easy Noon reporting tool if ships already report via Veslink.
MRV Reporting
Clean and validate data to comply with European MRV regulations. Filter ‘European’ voyages to provide compliance reporting and evidence in government-approved format.



Shipping APIs (Shipping application programming interfaces)


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Would you like a demo of any of our routing services or have any questions about them? Please contact us here.

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