ABB Ability™ AssetVista Condition Monitoring for metals

Digital application that lets metals producers evaluate precise maintenance needs by pulling together previously disparate data on asset health for a variety of production equipment

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ABB Ability™ AssetVista Condition Monitoring for metals is a software solution that offers operations, automation and maintenance personnel in steel and other metals industries a complete and continuous overview of their production assets’ condition, helping to increase process efficiency, avoid useless maintenance, prevent unnecessary exposure to hazardous areas and improve time to repair.

The average metals plant contains thousands of production assets: motors, switchgears, gearboxes, valves, switches, sensors etc, many of which have embedded tools capable of collecting and storing asset condition data, and with high potential to reduce maintenance costs, improve equipment reliability and reduce unplanned shut-downs. Studies show that businesses can reduce maintenance costs by 8% up to as much as 40% by moving from predictive maintenance alone to a properly functioning predictive maintenance system such as ABB Ability™ AssetVista Condition Monitoring for metals.

Are you getting the most out of the valuable inputs your assets have to offer?

Your entry point to more proactive service strategies

Developed by maintenance and industry experts, this application is scalable and maintenance-oriented, offering a selection of asset monitors, and makes use of the knowledge bank contained in ABB's extensive range of asset maintenace libraries. Users can apply condition monitoring to whichever area they wish to focus, be it automation, instrumentation, electrical, mechanical or process equipment. This suite of monitors is compiled so that a user can start with a small scope covering only the most common components initially and then, in line with growing business demands, scale up the condition monitoring to assess more complex, high-value added equipment and components.

ABB Ability™ AssetVista Condition Monitoring for metals is not just another software application —  it is much more. It combines a digital solution configured specifically for your site together with seamless integration and long-term continuous improvement support. It is your entry point to more proactive service strategies for fast and efficient resolution of issues.

Along with the dashboards for customer self-service, ABB also offers this solution as part of ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for metals – an advanced digital service providing continuous real-time monitoring and expert, remote support via ABB’s Collaborative Operations Center, to help you to get the most out of your investment and your assets. This service can be delivered stand-alone or bundled with other services and technologies into a tailored Metals Care long-term service agreement.
