ABB provides SÜC Coburg the first primary switchgear combining AirPlus and digital features

ABB provides SÜC Coburg the first primary switchgear combining AirPlus and digital features

The Bavarian power utility SÜC Coburg has made its electricity network greener and smarter by installing the first medium-voltage (MV) gas insulated switchgear (GIS) combining AirPlus™ with Relion® REX640 and sensor technology.

ABB supplied MV GIS and REX640 to the Bavarian power utility SÜC Coburg in February of this year. SÜC Coburg, the public utility of Coburg, built a new substation in Schweighof using 24 panels of ABB’s state-of-the-art technology, ZX2 AirPlus Digital.

SÜC Coburg’s distribution network covers an area of more than 750 km2 in the southern part of Germany. SÜC Coburg has collaborated with ABB for over 20 years on electrification distribution solutions, and this digital and sustainable switchgear combined solution is the first of its kind in the world.  

ZX2 AirPlus Digital supports SÜC Coburg to employ environmentally-friendlier technology while the switchgear panels increase the reliability of the power supply in its power distribution grid. The increased flexibility and safety during commissioning and operation, the sensor technology, as well as the lower energy consumption, are key factors why SÜC decided to work with ABB.

An innovative technology in the market since 2015, AirPlus is a sustainable alternative to SF6. AirPlus insulation gas reduces the global warming potential (GWP) by almost 100 percent. ZX2 AirPlus is designed for primary power distribution to ensure grid reliability, efficiency and safety. It has the same compact dimensions as a regular ZX2 switchgear.

Designed to support digital switchgear solutions, REX640 protects the assets in advanced power generation and distribution applications. The fully modular design allows unequaled customization and modification flexibility, and easy adaptation to changing protection requirements throughout the relay life cycle.

“We are committed to developing digital and eco-efficient solutions for our customers," said Harikishan Narayanan, Global Product Group Manager in ABB's Distribution Solutions business line. "We are delighted to support SÜC Coburg with our latest innovative products in further improving the safety and reliability of their power distribution networks.”


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