Industrial Ethernet is the foundation of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), allowing faster communication rates and more predictive maintenance. ABB’s new PNU32.0enables access to the process data and asset monitoring. Its predictive warnings and remote diagnostics help maximize plant availability and ensure processes run continuously.

Of critical importance to the process industry, the new Profinet IO S2 module supports intelligent motor control centers (MCCs). It provides a solution for Profinet applications where high redundancy is essential and where remote access for asset monitoring is a key benefit.
With standard Profinet S1 networks, if the controller fails, the complete communication of the network stops. However, in Profinet S2 networks, a redundant second controller automatically takes over the communication across the network – maximizing uptime and continuous operation.
A 2018 study found that unplanned downtime costs industry $250,000 per hour, and 82 percent of companies had experienced an unplanned downtime event in the previous three years.1
Sebastian Block, global product management for Universal Motor Controllers, ABB Electrification, said: “Due to further progress in industrial automation, the market will see a continuing increase in the demand for electrical motors, because they drive the critical automation processes where uptime is essential. Additionally, predictive maintenance and asset monitoring will allow operators to be fully aware of the plant’s status. ABB’s new, innovative Profinet IO S2 communication module enhances the capability of the UMC100.3 by allowing for process control over Profinet, while at the same time providing asset monitoring over ModbusTCP. This will greatly help panel builders and system integrators alike to match future requirements.”
ABB’s PNU32.0 Ethernet communication interface can be mounted directly on the UMC100.3 unit or on an adapter. Unique to the market, the new PNU32.0 interface makes mounting possible outside the drawer. This makes communication wiring much simpler and more robust against disturbances, specifically in MCCs with withdrawable modules. Communication between the PNU32.0 and UMC100.3 is via simple wiring, with no Ethernet cables connected to the inside of the drawer. Unlike conventional interfaces, which only allow a single drawer to be withdrawn, ABB’s solution enables several drawers to be withdrawn at the same time, without special by-pass switches and with zero impact on the Ethernet communication.
To find out more about how Profinet IO S2 improves uptime, continuous operation and predictive maintenance, click here. Click here for more on ABB Universal Motor Controllers.