Descarga del software Automation Builder

Automation Builder está disponible en las versiones Basic, Standard y Premium para adaptarse a las necesidades de pequeños proyectos y gestionar los retos de numerosos y voluminosos proyectos de los integradores de sistemas y OEMs. 

Empiece a trabajar de forma inmediata: Tras la instalación, en la primera puesta en marcha de Automation Builder puede elegir entre diferentes licencias:

  • Licencia de prueba gratuita de 30 días: desbloquea características Standard y Premium
  • Edición Basic gratuita
  • Licencia Standard o Premium adquirida:

    • Las licencias pueden activarse, retirarse y transferirse a otro ordenador en cualquier momento
    • Disponibilidad de licencias flotantes para instalarlas en un servidor de licencias

Soporte del ciclo de vida: A partir de Automation Builder 2.6, se permite la instalación paralela de versiones individuales en un mismo escritorio. Para acceder a versiones anteriores a estas, recomendamos instalar Automation Builder 2.5 e incluir en esta instalación los perfiles necesarios de versiones anteriores (Automation Builder 2.4 y anteriores).

¿Necesita más información?

Última versión de Automation Builder (recomendada): Automation Builder 2.8.0

Antes de empezar con Automation Builder 2.8, tenga en cuenta una serie de opciones de instalación importantes.

Instalación paralela
Automation Builder permite la instalación paralela. Durante el proceso de instalación, no se pueden seleccionar versiones anteriores para que se integren en Automation Builder 2.8. Si necesita acceder a Automation Builder 2.5 o versiones anteriores, le recomendamos instalar primero Automation Builder 2.5 (que incluye de manera opcional las versiones anteriores) e instalar después Automation Builder 2.8. Puede acceder a los enlaces de descarga de Automation Builder 2.5 a través de la sección Automation Builder 2.5 más abajo. Automation Builder 2.6 y Automation Builder 2.7 pueden instalarse o desinstalarse independientemente de Automation Builder 2.8.

Consejo: Por razones técnicas, existen algunos componentes que comparten las diferentes versiones de Automation Builder. Incluso a pesar de la instalación paralela de versiones de Automation Builder, estos componentes seguirán siendo compartidos. Ejemplos de componentes compartidos son las bibliotecas AC500 V2 o la ingeniería y la pasarela Codesys V2.

Versión de 32 bits

Automation Builder sigue estando disponible como versión de 32 bits con un instalador independiente. Tenga en cuenta que no es posible la instalación simultánea de la misma versión de Automation Builder en 64 bits y 32 bits.

La versión de 32 bits es necesaria para:

  • Migración de librerías AC500 V2 a AC500 V3
  • Programación IEC 61131 de convertidores ACS880

Automation Builder 2.8 - Características y hardware de destino

Automation Builder 2.8
Features and target hardware
Basic system
Integrated engineering for PLCs, safety, motion, drives and control panels
Integrated tool suite installation and maintenance (online and offline)
Project handling including project archive and backup features
Project lifecycle support (version profiles and project migration)
Native language support in EN, DE, ES, FR, CN
Support of standardization and re-use by flexible configurations of machine variants and advanced I/O device handling
Support of re-use by cross project and cross Automation Builder instance copy&paste       
ECAD roundtrip engineering - AC500 and EPLAN / Zuken E3
ECAD roundtrip engineering for 3rd party devices -
PLC and EPLAN / Zuken E3
Bulk data import/export with change control to any tool via CSV (also via copy&paste)
Bulk data import/export of device and I/O lists and IEC 60870-5-104
Change management support by project compare    
Automation of engineering (execution of Python scripts)    
Virtual system testing based on Virtual Commissioning Technology    ○ ○ 
Collaborative engineering support by Professional Version Control with Subversion    ○ ○ 
engineering (AC500 V2)
PLC application programming (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single or several PLCs
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus, CS31, IEC60870-5-104
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)
Condition Monitoring CMS: configuration, libraries for CMS control and wave file handling   ●  ● 
C/ C++ application programming (GNU compiler)
Advanced simulation support including virtual PLCs
For: AC500-eCo V2, AC500 V2, supported AC500 local I/O modules, supported AC500 extension modules      
engineering (AC500 V3)
PLC application programming (LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC  ●  ●  ●
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single PLCs  ●  ●  ●
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging  ●  ●  ●
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of onboard communication protocols for CAN, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3 (1), IEC 61850 (1), BACnet (1), KNX (1), Ethernet/IP (1), EtherCAT (1), PROFINET (1)    ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)    ●  ●
Configuration of motion axes and graphical CAM tables    ●  ●
Static code analysis    ○
For: AC500-eCo V3, AC500 V3, supported AC500 local I/O modules, supported AC500 extension modules      
Safety PLC
engineering (integrated solutions)
Safety PLC application programming (LD, FBD, ST)
Fieldbus protocol engineering for PROFIsafe
Safety Code Analysis Tool  
Safety Verification Tool 
For: AC500-S safety CPU, safety I/Os and PROFIsafe devices
 SCADA engineering Integrated SCADA and PLC engineering with ABB zenon editor  
For: ABB zenon
Control Panel engineering CP600 and CP600-Pro panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
CP600-eCo panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
Integrated PLC tag data import
Control panel simulation ●  ● 
For: CP600-eCo, CP600, CP600-Pro
Drive management with common process data editor (Drive - PLC)
Drive engineering in Drive composer pro
For: ACS180, ACS355, ACS380, ACS480, ACS530, ACS550, ACS560, ACS580, ACS850, ACQ810, ACS880, DCS880, ACSM1
Motion application engineering with Mint WorkBench
For: Motiflex e180, Motiflex e190, E530
Modbus TCP
Configuration and diagnosis of unbundled Modbus TCP CI
(communication interface) devices
Drive library (PS553-DRIVES, PS5605-Drives)
MQTT and JSON libraries ● 
SNMP and SMTP libraries ● 
Motion control wizard, CAM editor and library for AC500 V3 (PS5611-MC) (1) 

Motion control library for AC500 V2 (PS552-MC-E)
Solar library for AC500 V2 (PS562-SOLAR)
Water library for AC500 V2 (PS563-WATER)
Adaptive temperature control library for AC500 V3 (PS5621-TempCtrl) (*) ○ 
Temperature control library for AC500 V2 (PS564-TEMPCTRL)
BACnet - ASC library for AC500 V2 (PS565-BACnet-ASC)
○  ○ 
BACnet - BC protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5607-BACnet-BC incl. ASC) (1)
AC500 High Availability for AC500 V2 (HA-CS31 library) ●  ● 
AC500 High Availability HA-Modbus TCP library for AC500 V2/V3
(PS5601-HA-MTCP) (1)                     
KNX protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5604-KNX) (1)                         
IEC 61850 for AC500 V3 (PS5602-61850) (1)   ○  ○ 
Data logger library for AC500 V3 (PS5609-LOG) (1) ○  ○ 
Pumping library for AC500 V3 (PS5608-Pump) (*)
○  ○  ○ 
FTP client library for AC500 V2 (PS554) (*)   ● 
Signal processing package for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Pumping library for AC500 V2 (PS571) (*)    ● 
HVAC library for AC500 V3 (*)
HVAC library for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Process control objects (PCO) library (*)

Ethernet/IP (PS5613-ETHIP) (1)   ○ 
EtherCAT onboard (PS5615-ECAT) (1)  
PROFINET I/O Controller onboard (PS5623-PN-C-e) (1)  
PROFINET I/O Device onboard (PS5623-PN-D-e) (1)   ○  ○ 
OPC UA client (PS5616-UACli) (1)  
DNP3 outstation onboard (PS5614-DNP3-O) (1)

Further features PLC multi download tool for large installations
OPC server tool, license manager, installation manager, PLC
gateway, IP configuration tool
Operating systems Windows 11 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise,
Windows 10 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise, 
Windows Server 2012 R2 64 Bit, Windows Server 2019
PC requirements Minimum: 1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 5-18 GB free disk space

● included
○ optional (additional license required) as integrated tool / feature / library
◊ optional (additional license required) as standalone tool / feature - not integrated in Automation Builder
(1) Additional runtime license per PLC required.
(2) In preparation
(*) Technology Preview: Technology Previews are non-final versions of our product and should not be taken as a measure of the fit, finish, capability, and overall quality of the product.

Haga clic aquí para ver Automation Builder 2.7 - Características y hardware de destino

Nota: Recomendamos instalar Automation Builder 2.8.
Si desea continuar la ingeniería de sus proyectos con Automation Builder 2.7, puede instalar Automation Builder 2.7 junto con Automation Builder 2.8.

Automation Builder 2.7
Features and target hardware
Basic system
Integrated engineering for PLCs, safety, motion, drives and control panels
Integrated tool suite installation and maintenance (online and offline)
Project handling including project archive and backup features
Project lifecycle support (version profiles and project migration)
Native language support in EN, DE, ES, FR, CN
Support of standardization and re-use by flexible configurations of machine variants and advanced I/O device handling
Support of re-use by cross project and cross Automation Builder instance copy&paste       
ECAD roundtrip engineering - AC500 and EPLAN / Zuken E3
ECAD roundtrip engineering for 3rd party devices -
PLC and EPLAN / Zuken E3
Bulk data import/export with change control to any tool via CSV (also via copy&paste)
Bulk data import/export of device and I/O lists and IEC 60870-5-104
Change management support by project compare    
Automation of engineering (execution of Python scripts)    
Virtual system testing based on Virtual Commissioning Technology    ○ ○ 
Collaborative engineering support by Professional Version Control with Subversion    ○ ○ 
engineering (AC500 V2)
PLC application programming (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single or several PLCs
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus, CS31, IEC60870-5-104
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)
Condition Monitoring CMS: configuration, libraries for CMS control and wave file handling   ●  ● 
C/ C++ application programming (GNU compiler)
Advanced simulation support including virtual PLCs
For: AC500-eCo V2, AC500 V2, supported AC500 local I/O modules, supported AC500 extension modules      
engineering (AC500 V3)
PLC application programming (LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC  ●  ●  ●
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single PLCs  ●  ●  ●
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging  ●  ●  ●
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of onboard communication protocols for CAN, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3 (1) (2), IEC 61850 (1), BACnet (1), KNX (1), Ethernet/IP (1)    ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)    ●  ●
Configuration of motion axes and graphical CAM tables    ●  ●
Static code analysis    ○
For: AC500-eCo V3, AC500 V3, supported AC500 local I/O modules, supported AC500 extension modules      
Safety PLC
engineering (integrated solutions)
Safety PLC application programming (LD, FBD, ST)
Fieldbus protocol engineering for PROFIsafe
Safety Code Analysis Tool   
Safety Verification Tool  
For: AC500-S safety CPU, safety I/Os and PROFIsafe devices
 SCADA engineering Integrated SCADA and PLC engineering with ABB zenon editor  
For: ABB zenon
Control Panel engineering CP600 and CP600-Pro panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
CP600-eCo panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
Integrated PLC tag data import
Control panel simulation ●  ● 
For: CP600-eCo, CP600, CP600-Pro
Drive management, configuration and diagnosis with common process data editor
(Drive - PLC)
Drive engineering in Drive composer pro
For: ACS180, ACS355, ACS380, ACS480, ACS530, ACS550, ACS560, ACS580, ACS850, ACQ810, ACS880, DCS880, ACSM1
Motion application engineering with Mint WorkBench
For: Motiflex e180, Motiflex e190, E530
Modbus TCP
Configuration and diagnosis of unbundled Modbus TCP CI
(communication interface) devices
Drive library (PS553-DRIVES, PS5605-Drives)
MQTT and JSON libraries ● 
SNMP and SMTP libraries ● 
Motion control wizard, CAM editor and library for AC500 V3 (PS5611-MC) (1) 

Motion control library for AC500 V2 (PS552-MC-E)
Solar library for AC500 V2 (PS562-SOLAR)
Water library for AC500 V2 (PS563-WATER)
Temperature control library for AC500 V2 (PS564-TEMPCTRL)
BACnet - ASC library for AC500 V2 (PS565-BACnet-ASC)
○  ○ 
BACnet - BC protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5607-BACnet-BC incl. ASC) (1)
 ○  ○
AC500 High Availability for AC500 V2 (HA-CS31 library) ●  ● 
AC500 High Availability HA-Modbus TCP library for AC500 V2/V3
(PS5601-HA-MTCP) (1)                     
KNX protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5604-KNX) (1)                         
IEC 61850 for AC500 V3 (PS5602-61850) (1)   ○  ○ 
Data logger library for AC500 V3 (PS5609-LOG) (1) ○  ○ 
Pumping library for AC500 V3 (PS5608-Pump) (*)
○  ○  ○ 
FTP client library for AC500 V2 (PS554) (*)   ● 
Signal processing package for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Pumping library for AC500 V2 (PS571) (*)    ● 
HVAC library for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Process control objects (PCO) library (*)

Ethernet/IP (PS5613-ETHIP) (1)  
EtherCAT onboard (PS5615-ECAT) (1)

Further features PLC multi download tool for large installations
OPC server tool, license manager, installation manager, PLC
gateway, IP configuration tool
Operating systems Windows 11 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise,
Windows 10 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise, 
Windows Server 2012 R2 64 Bit, Windows Server 2019
PC requirements Minimum: 1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 5-18 GB free disk space

● included
○ optional (additional license required) as integrated tool / feature / library
◊ optional (additional license required) as standalone tool / feature - not integrated in Automation Builder
(1) Additional runtime license per PLC required.
(2) in preparation
(*) Technology Preview: Technology Previews are non-final versions of our product and should not be taken as a measure of the fit, finish, capability, and overall quality of the product.

Haga clic aquí para ver Automation Builder 2.6 - Características y hardware de destino

    Note: Le recomendamos que instale Automation Builder 2.7. Si desea continuar con la ingeniería de sus proyectos con Automation Builder 2.6, puede instalar Automation Builder 2.6 junto con Automation Builder 2.7.

Automation Builder 2.6
Features and target hardware
Basic system
Integrated engineering for PLCs, safety, motion, drives and control panels
Integrated tool suite installation and maintenance (online and offline)
Project handling including project archive and backup features
Project lifecycle support (version profiles and project migration)
Native language support in EN, DE, ES, FR, CN
Support of standardization and re-use by flexible configurations of machine variants and advanced I/O device handling
Support of re-use by cross project and cross Automation Builder instance copy&paste       
ECAD roundtrip engineering - AC500 and EPLAN / Zuken E3
ECAD roundtrip engineering for 3rd party devices -
PLC and EPLAN / Zuken E3
Bulk data import/export with change control to any tool via CSV (also via copy&paste)
Bulk data import/export of device and I/O lists and IEC 60870-5-104
Change management support by project compare    
Automation of engineering (execution of Python scripts)    
Virtual system testing based on Virtual Commissioning Technology    ○ ○ 
Collaborative engineering support by Professional Version Control with Subversion    ○ ○ 
engineering (AC500 V2)
PLC application programming (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single or several PLCs
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus, CS31, IEC60870-5-104
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)
Condition Monitoring CMS: configuration, libraries for CMS control and wave file handling   ●  ● 
C/ C++ application programming (GNU compiler)
Advanced simulation support including virtual PLC
For: AC500-eCo V2, AC500 V2, AC500-XC, AC500-S Safety, AC500 local I/O modules, AC500 extension modules      
engineering (AC500 V3)
PLC application programming (LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC  ●  ●  ●
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single PLCs  ●  ●  ●
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging  ●  ●  ●
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, CAN  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850, BACnet, KNX, Ethernet/IP (1)    ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)    ●  ●
Configuration of motion axes and graphical CAM tables    ●  ●
Static code analysis    ○
For: AC500-eCo V3, AC500 V3, supported AC500 local I/O modules and AC500 extension modules      
Safety PLC
engineering (integrated solutions)
Safety PLC application programming (LD, FBD, ST)
Fieldbus protocol engineering for PROFIsafe
Safety Verification Tool   
Safety Code Analysis Tool  
For: AC500-S safety CPU, safety I/Os and PROFIsafe devices
 SCADA engineering Integrated SCADA and PLC engineering with ABB zenon editor  
For: ABB zenon
Control Panel engineering CP600 and CP600-Pro panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
CP600-eCo panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
Integrated PLC tag data import
Control panel simulation ●  ● 
For: CP600-eCo, CP600, CP600-Pro
Drive management, configuration and diagnosis with common process data editor
(Drive - PLC)
Drive engineering in Drive composer pro
For: ACS180, ACS355, ACS380, ACS480, ACS530, ACS550, ACS560, ACS580, ACS850, ACQ810, ACS880, DCS880, ACSM1
Motion application engineering with Mint WorkBench
PLC tag data import
For: MicroFlex e150, Motiflex e180, Motiflex e190
Modbus TCP
Configuration and diagnosis of unbundled Modbus TCP CI
(communication interface) devices
Drive library (PS553-DRIVES, PS5605-Drives)
MQTT and JSON libraries ● 
SNMP and SMTP libraries ● 
Motion control library for AC500 V2 (PS552-MC-E), V3 (PS5611-MC) (1)
Solar library for AC500 V2 (PS562-SOLAR)
Water library for AC500 V2 (PS563-WATER)
Temperature control library for AC500 V2 (PS564-TEMPCTRL)
BACnet - ASC library for AC500 V2 (PS565-BACnet-ASC)
○  ○ 
BACnet - BC protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5607-BACnet-BC incl. ASC) (1)
 ○  ○
AC500 High Availability for AC500 V2 (HA-CS31 library) ●  ● 
AC500 High Availability HA-Modbus TCP library for AC500 V2/V3
(PS5601-HA-MTCP) (1)                     
KNX protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5604-KNX) (1)                         
IEC 61850 for AC500 V3 (PS5602-61850) (1)   ○  ○ 
Data logger library for AC500 V3 (PS5609-LOG) (1) ○  ○ 
Pumping library for AC500 V3 (PS5608-Pump) (*)
○  ○  ○ 
FTP client library for AC500 V2 (PS554) (*)   ● 
Signal processing package for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Pumping library for AC500 V2 (PS571) (*)    ● 
HVAC library for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Process control objects (PCO) library (*)
Further features AC500 V2 PLC multidownload tool for large installations
OPC server tool, license manager, installation manager, PLC
gateway, IP configuration
Operating systems Windows 11 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise,
Windows 10 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise, 
Windows Server 2012 R2 64 Bit, Windows Server 2019
PC requirements Minimum: 1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 5-18 GB free disk space

● included
○ optional (additional license required) as integrated tool / feature / library
◊ optional (additional license required) as standalone tool / feature - not integrated in Automation Builder
(1) Additional runtime license per PLC required.
(*) Technology Preview: Technology Previews are non-final versions of our product and should not be taken as a measure of the fit, finish, capability, and overall quality of the product.

Haga clic aquí para ver Automation Builder 2.5 - Características y hardware de destino

Note: Le recomendamos que instale Automation Builder 2.7.
Si desea continuar con la ingeniería de sus proyectos con Automation Builder 2.5, puede instalar Automation Builder 2.5 junto con Automation Builder 2.7.

Hint: Si instala Automation Builder 2.5 después de instalar Automation Builder 2.7, se recomienda ejecutar el instalador de Automation Builder 2.7 para asegurarse de que está disponible la última versión de todos los componentes compartidos. El motivo de esta recomendación es que las versiones de Automation Builder anteriores a la 2.6 no han sido preparadas para la instalación en paralelo.

Automation Builder 2.5
Features and target hardware
Basic system
   Integrated engineering for PLCs, safety, motion, drives, SCADA and control panels
Integrated tool suite installation and maintenance (online and offline)
Project handling including project archive and backup features
Project lifecycle support (version profiles and project migration)
Native language support in EN, DE, ES, FR, CN
Support of standardization and re-use by flexible configurations of machine variants and advanced I/O device handling
Support of re-use by cross project and cross Automation Builder instance copy&paste       
ECAD roundtrip engineering - AC500 and EPLAN / Zuken E3
ECAD roundtrip engineering for 3rd party devices -
PLC and EPLAN / Zuken E3
Bulk data import/export with change control to any tool via CSV (also via copy&paste)
Bulk data import/export of device and I/O lists and IEC 60870-5-104
Change management support by project compare    
Automation of engineering (execution of Python scripts)    
Virtual system testing based on Virtual Commissioning Technology    ○ ○ 
Collaborative engineering support by Professional Version Control with Subversion    ○ ○ 
engineering (AC500 V2)
   PLC application programming (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single or several PLCs
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus, CS31, IEC60870-5-104
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)
Condition Monitoring CMS: configuration, libraries for CMS control and wave file handling   ●  ● 
C/ C++ application programming (GNU compiler)
Advanced simulation support including virtual PLC
For: AC500-eCo V2, AC500 V2
engineering (AC500 V3)
   PLC application programming (LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC  ●  ●  ●
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single PLCs  ●  ●  ●
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging  ●  ●  ●
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of onboard communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, CAN  ●  ●  ●
Configuration of onboard communication protocols for IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850, BACnet, KNX, Ethernet/IP (1)    ●  ●
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, CAN (all via communication module)    ●  ●
Configuration of motion axes and graphical CAM tables    ●  ●
Static code analysis    ○

For: AC500-eCo V3, AC500 V3 

Safety PLC
engineering (integrated solutions)
   Safety PLC application programming (LD, FBD, ST)
Fieldbus protocol engineering for PROFIsafe
Safety Verification Tool   
For: AC500-S safety CPU, safety I/Os and PROFIsafe devices
 SCADA engineering    Integrated SCADA and PLC engineering with ABB zenon editor  
 For: ABB zenon
Control Panel engineering    CP600 and CP600-Pro panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
CP600-eCo panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
Integrated PLC tag data import
Control panel simulation ●  ● 
For: CP600-eCo, CP600, CP600-Pro
   Drive management, configuration and diagnosis with common process data editor 
   (Drive - PLC)
Drive engineering in Drive composer pro
For: ACS355, ACS380, ACS480, ACS530, ACS550, ACS560, ACS580, ACS850, ACQ810, ACS880, DCS880, ACSM1
   Motion application engineering with Mint WorkBench
PLC tag data import
For: MicroFlex e150, Motiflex e180, Motiflex e190
Modbus TCP
   Configuration and diagnosis of unbundled Modbus TCP CI
   (communication interface) devices
   Drive library (PS553-DRIVES, PS5605-Drives)
MQTT and JSON libraries ● 
Motion control library for AC500 V2 (PS552-MC-E), V3 (PS5611-MC) (1)
Solar library for AC500 V2 (PS562-SOLAR)
Water library for AC500 V2 (PS563-WATER)
Temperature control library for AC500 V2 (PS564-TEMPCTRL)
BACnet - ASC library for AC500 V2 (PS565-BACnet-ASC)
○  ○ 
BACnet - BC protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5607-BACnet-BC incl. ASC) (1)
 ○  ○
AC500 High Availability for AC500 V2 (HA-CS31 library) ●  ● 
AC500 High Availability HA-Modbus TCP library for AC500 V2/V3
(PS5601-HA-MTCP) (1)                     
KNX protocol for AC500 V3 (PS5604-KNX) (1)                         
IEC 61850 for AC500 V3 (PS5602-61850) (1)   ○  ○ 
Data logger library for AC500 V3 (PS5609-LOG) (1) ○  ○ 
FTP client library for AC500 V2 (PS554) (*)   ● 
Signal processing package for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Pumping library for AC500 V2 (PS571) (*)    ● 
HVAC library for AC500 V2 (*)   ● 
Process control objects (PCO) library (*)
Further features    AC500 V2 PLC multidownload tool for large installations
OPC server tool, license manager, installation manager, PLC
gateway, IP configuration
Operating systems    Windows 10 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise, Windows Server 2012 R2
   64 Bit, Windows Server 2019
PC requirements    Minimum: 1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 5-18 GB free disk space

● included
○ optional (additional license required) as integrated tool / feature / library
◊ optional (additional license required) as standalone tool / feature - not integrated in Automation Builder
(1) Additional runtime license per PLC required.
(*) Technology Preview: Technology Previews are non-final versions of our product and should not be taken as a measure of the fit, finish, capability, and overall quality of the product.

Haga clic aquí para ver Automation Builder 2.4 - Características y hardware de destino

Nota: Recomendamos instalar Automation Builder 2.7.
Si desea continuar la ingeniería de sus proyectos con Automation Builder 2.4, le recomendamos encarecidamente que instale Automation Builder 2.5 con el perfil de versión Automation Builder 2.4.
Automation Builder 2.4
Features and target hardware
Basic system
   Integrated engineering for PLCs, safety, motion, drives, SCADA and control panels
Integrated tool suite installation and maintenance (online and offline)
Project handling including project archive and backup features
Project lifecycle support (version profiles and project migration)
Native language support in EN, DE, ES, FR, CN
Support of standardization and re-use by flexible configurations of machine variants and advanced IO device handling
Support of re-use by cross project and cross Automation Builder instance copy&paste       
ECAD roundtrip engineering - AC500 and EPLAN / Zuken E3
ECAD roundtrip engineering for 3rd party devices -
PLC and EPLAN / Zuken E3
Bulk data import/export with change control to any tool via CSV (also via copy&paste)
Bulk data import/export of device and I/O lists and IEC 60870-5-104
Change management support by project compare    
Project automation by Python scripting    
Virtual system testing based on Virtual Commissioning Technology    ○ ○ 
Collaborative engineering support by Professional Version Control with Subversion    ○ ○ 
engineering (AC500 V2)
   PLC application programming (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC
PLC firmware update, download and online change to single or several PLCs
PLC simulation, diagnosis and debugging
Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)
Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus, CS31, IEC60870-5-104
Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, PROFIBUS, EtherCAT, CAN
Condition Monitoring CMS: configuration, libraries for CMS control and wav file handling   ●  ● 
C/ C++ application programming (GNU compiler)

Advanced simulation support including virtual PLCs

For: AC500-eCo, AC500 V2, AC500-XC, AC500 local I/O modules, AC500 extension modules
engineering (AC500 V3)
   PLC application programming (LD, FBD, SFC, ST) plus CFC  ●  ●  ●
 PLC firmware update, download and online change to single PLCs  ●  ●  ●
 PLC diagnosis and debugging  ●  ●  ●
 Integrated firmware identification and update (PM and CM devices)  ●  ●  ●
 Configuration of communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, CAN  ●  ●  ●
 Configuration of onboard communication protocols for IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850, BACnet, KNX    ●  ●
 Configuration of communication protocols for PROFINET, EtherCAT    ●  ●
 Static code analysis    ○  ○
 Advanced simulation support including virtual PLCs (in preparation)    ○  ○

For AC500 V3 and supported AC500 local I/O modules and AC500 extension modules

Safety PLC
engineering (integrated solutions)
   Safety PLC application programming (LD, FBD, ST)
Fieldbus protocol engineering for PROFIsafe
Safety Verification Tool   
For: AC500-S Safety CPU, Safety I/Os and PROFISAFE devices
 SCADA engineering    Integrated SCADA and PLC engineering with ABB zenon editor  
 For: ABB zenon
Control Panel engineering   CP600 and CP600-Pro panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
CP600-eCo panel configuration with PB610 Panel Builder 600
PLC tag data import
Control panel simulation ●  ● 
For: CP600, CP600-Pro, CP600-eCo, CP600-WEB, PB610-R
Drive management, configuration and diagnosis with common process data editor (Drive - PLC)
Drive engineering in Drive composer pro
For: ACS355, ACS380, ACS550, ACS580, ACS850, ACQ810, ACS880, DCS880, ACSM1
   Motion application engineering with Mint WorkBench
PLC tag data import
For: MicroFlex e150, Motiflex e180, Motiflex e190
Modbus TCP
Configuration and diagnosis of unbundled Modbus TCP CI  (communication interface) devices
   Drive library (PS553-DRIVES, PS5605-Drives)
Motion control for Library V2: PS552-MC-E; V3: PS5611-MC (*)
Solar library (PS562-SOLAR)
Water library (PS563-WATER)
Temperature control library (PS564-TEMPCTRL)

BACnet - ASC library (PS565) V2

BACnet - BC protocol (PS5607-BACnet-BC)    ○  ○
AC500 High Availability HA-CS31 library ●  ● 
AC500 High Availability HA-Modbus TCP library V2/V3 (PS5601-HA-MTCP)         
KNX protocol (PS5604-KNX)             
PackML library (*)   ● 
FTP client library (PS554) (*)   ● 
Signal processing package (*)   ● 
Pumping library (PS571) (*)    ● 
HVAC library (*)   ● 
IEC61850 for AC500 V3 (PS5602-61850)
Further features    PLC Multidownload tool for large installations
OPC server and clients, service tool, PLC
gateway, IP configuration and visualization
Operating systems    Windows 10 (32/64 Bit) Professional/Enterprise, Windows Server 2012 R2
   64 Bit, Windows Server 2019 (1)
PC requirements    Minimum: 1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 5-18 GB free disk space

● included
○ optional (additional license required) as integrated tool / feature / library
◊ optional (additional license required) as standalone tool / feature - not integrated in Automation Builder
(1) Limited support of Windows server operating systems. Further information (e.g. regarding editions and service packs) is available in the release notes.
(*) Technology Preview: Technology Previews are non-final versions of our product and should not be taken as a measure of the fit, finish, capability, and overall quality of the product.
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