Turbine stress evaluation

Steam turbines are subject to high pressure and thermal stress during load changes, as well as startup and shutdown operations. The length of service life depends on the cumulative effect of these influences over time.

Symphony Plus Turbine Stress Evaluator is an on-line monitoring system based on a state-of-the-art software algorithms for the estimation of steam turbines lifetime. The algorithm is based on the finite element analysis applied to the resolution of the Fourier heat equation. Actual stress is estimated on the basis of the Von Mises criteria, taking into account the calculated temperature distribution inside the rotor and the rotor speed.

Service life estimation is based on the detection of max-min stresses during a thermal cycle. Lifetime consumption is determined according to the metal characteristics and the Palmgren-Miner criteria or, in alternative, to manufacturer indications.

Why ABB?

  • Optimization of plant startup, plant shutdown and load transients to minimize steam turbine service life consumption
  • Determination of the optimal load or speed rate to comply with a predefined life consumption
  • Documented evidence of the operational use of the steam turbine
  • Long-term service planning



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Power plant automation
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