Transition Performance Indicators
The Fingerprint involves comprehensive testing and analysis designed to measure five key Performance Indicators.
These Performance Indicators are used to assess transition performance and improvement area potential.
− Transition Time
− Moisture Response
− Historical Analysis
− Control Response
− Setpoint Prediction
Transition Process Analysis
Each performance indicator is made up of a series of indices derived from 25 to 35 collected historical transition data. The resulting index is used to evaluate the performance level of different areas of the paper transition process including but not limited to:
− Level 1 control response
− Stock flow, fillers, steam, total head, and speed
− Level 2 control response
− Weight, moisture, ash, and headbox
− Grade change configuration
− Limiting product specification limits
− Control constraint handling and setup
Identifying that a transition process area is under-performing is the first step in the improvement process. Understanding the problem and having the expertise to provide solutions is assured through ABB’s extensive experience in paper machine transition control.
In order to provide practical solutions for problems often identified in the transition process, ABB has developed defined, logical optimization steps for each transition process area.
Once ABB performs the Fingerprint, the steps to optimize the process and remove the performance bottleneck are identified. The improvement plan is developed using this information.
The initial performance benchmark is defined by the specific machine tests and data analysis associated with the Performance Indicators.
The Transition Response indicator includes multilevel testing and analysis applied to Transition, Level 1 Controls, and Level 2 Controls Performance Indicator. Complete Transition Process Area testing sequences require 25 to 35 collected transition data to complete the diagnosis and develop improvement recommendations.
An Executive Report and a Technical Report are provided to disclose the findings and recommendations of the process performance diagnosis.
− Technical Report provides supporting data collected during the transition process diagnosis.
− Executive Report provides benchmark results, summary of findings, financial impact of recommendations, and an actionable improvement plan, based on the transition process diagnosis.