Today’s Pressductor® transducers contain two perpendicular windings of copper wire running through four holes of a steel block. An alternating current is applied to generate a magnetic field in one of the windings. When the transducer experiences a mechanical force, the magnetoelastic property of the steel alters the magnetic field pattern, inducing an AC voltage in the second coil that is proportional to the force.
The arrival of Pressductor® in the 1950s clearly followed the ‘invention on demand’ template, being built on previous work and answering a pressing need at the time.
When the initial patent was published, global steel production was about 200 million tonnes a year. By 1970 – just 15 years later - it had tripled. It would be crazy to attribute that growth to the arrival of the new measurement technology, but the invention clearly happened at the perfect time, with a new generation of rolling mills demanding increased productivity, as well as better control and higher quality.