Case study | May, 2024 

Everest Automation, a Canadian ABB channel partner sold and commissioned ABB LLT100 Laser level transmitter in a city on the east coast of Canada.


This major Canadian city in Atlantic Canada has been using an ultrasonic level measuring system for the past 20 plus years at their wastewater pumping station installation, where the ultrasonic level transmitter is mounted on the ceiling of the wet well, which is causing issues when the well floods.


The challenge this customer encountered is due to an aging infrastructure as the current pumping system was unable to keep the wet well within the normal operating range under excessive rainfall events. The ultrasonic level transmitter would be flooded which disables the system from reading correctly and therefore impedes the correct operation of the pumps.

After the ultrasonic level transmitter is flooded, the level continues to rise through the ladder way in the entrance which is a narrow opening.

They installed the ABB LLT100 laser level Transmitter at the top of the opening due to confined space entry issues and set a fail alarm in the ultrasonic level transmitter when it floods. The PLC then switches over to the analog input from the laser unit and the level continues to read correctly. When the level is back within normal limits the program reads the ultrasonic unit again.

The ABB solution

After evaluating different level measuring technologies, the 2 main reasons the customer decided to go with the ABB LLT100 level transmitter instead of another ultrasonic transmitter is because of the narrow entry pathway and the ease of installation. They didn’t need to install additional equipment like a remote transmitter and their operation staff can just open the hatch and see a local reading on the unit.

They were able to install this unit quickly with analog Teck cable straight back to their control panel instead of running conduit and a transducer cable to a transmitter then additional cabling back to the PLC panel. Also, the ABB LLT100 laser level transmitter require no echo mapping, and basically, maintenance free and the fact that no calibration was required on site, was a huge bonus.


In conclusion, ABB provided a simple and reliable none-contact level measurement which was easy to install in this tough environment.

The customer was extremely satisfied with the ABB LLT100 Laser Level Transmitter solution and as a result installed 2 additional units throughout their facility.

Also, Everest was able to ship the ABB LLT100 Laser Level Transmitter quicky from their inventory, which was well received by the customer.

Combine this with the excellent after sales support of our local channel partner Everest Automation and you have a winner!

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