Coriolis flowmeters are widely regarded as the gold standard for mass flow measurement in a wide variety of industrial applications. Their accuracy in measuring mass flow is certainly impressive, but their unique ability to combine mass flow and density measurements in a single instrument also helps users to improve control in any situation where a variation in the density of a process stream could impact the outcome of the process.

Measuring flow by simple mass or volume is okay in some applications, but in many others, it is essential to be alert for density fluctuations that could signal a change in material composition or process conditions. 

In these situations, a failure to account for changing density can lead to under- or over-delivery of key materials, resulting in product defects, inaccurate metering for charging purposes, regulatory non-compliance or any number of other issues.

Coriolis meters work by measuring the flow of a fluid through a vibrating tube. They rely on the Coriolis effect, which causes the tube to experience a tiny twisting force in proportion to the mass flow rate. That in turn gives the tube a measurable wobble. 

While they are not typically the cheapest flowmeters to buy upfront, a single Coriolis meter can do the work of multiple instruments by enabling operators to measure mass flow, density, concentration and temperature, eliminating the cost of purchasing several devices and minimizing the requirement for spare parts and maintenance.

Unlike other flow measurement principles, the Coriolis meter does not require any intake pipe as it measures the mass flow rate by detecting the deflection of vibration tubes through which the fluid passes. 

Diverse applications across industries

The combination of measurements offered by Coriolis meters is useful in many diverse applications. In oil extraction, for example, they can monitor precisely how much water emerges from the ground with the oil, providing a useful indicator of overall production efficiency.

For compressible fluids such as gases or steam, they maintain accuracy by accounting for density changes that can result from shifts in temperature or pressure. This can have major repercussions for energy flows around a site, for example, so strategically positioned Coriolis meters form the front line in many of today’s energy management systems.

Their accuracy means that Coriolis meters are also great in low-flow, precision-dosing applications. Consider fruit yoghurts. The contents of each pot is sold by mass but the density of the yogurt will vary according to the amount of fruit inclusions.

Operators need to know how much yogurt is in the pot, but also whether the yogurt mix contains the right balance of fruit and other ingredients. This has obvious implications for product quality and compliance with consumer law.

New applications are emerging all the time. For instance, hydrogen looks set to be a big one for the future, as countries decarbonize their energy networks. Coriolis flowmeters are well placed to support the switch from natural gas to hydrogen, thanks to their ability to measure gases as accurately as they do liquids.

ABB’s CoriolisMaster for improved quality and control

The ABB CoriolisMaster has been optimized to deliver superior performance when compared to other meters in its class. Unique design features mean the CoriolisMaster can measure high flow rates but remains accurate at very low flows. With the biggest turndown ratio available, CoriolisMaster caters for a wider range of applications and can sometimes even replace two meters with a single unit.

Engineering precision and robust construction has enabled ABB to build the CoriolisMaster with a larger internal tube diameter, without compromising accuracy. A big advantage of this larger tube diameter is that it can typically reduce the pressure drop across the meter by between 50 and 90%, so there is less interference with the process flow and less energy needed to pump the fluid. The difference in pumping energy is so significant that it may even allow the installation of smaller pumps! 

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