Helpful top tips for flowmeter selection

In conversation with Alan Hunt, Electromagnetic Flow Product Manager at ABB who offers tips on choosing the right flowmeter.

Alan Hunt

Electromagnetic Flow Product Manager, ABB Measurement & Analytics

What are the key things to consider when choosing a flowmeter?

Consider the fluid type and whether the flow varies widely. Also ascertain whether the flow is turbulent or prone to “pulses” and determine the accuracy that is required.

What advice would you give to someone looking into flowmeter selection?

Don’t be tempted to choose on cost alone. Opting for the lowest cost solution may result in problems later on.

Why does it matter what fluid flow I am measuring?

Every liquid or gas behaves differently when flowing through the pipeline. The flow profile of a fluid will vary according to whether it is Newtonian or non-Newtonian. Calculating the Reynolds number of the application can help you pick the flowmeter that is best suited to the application.

Why is turndown important?

Turndown is the ratio of the maximum and minimum flow rates a flowmeter can measure within its specified accuracy range. Selecting a flowmeter with the widest possible turndown will ensure that it can cover all anticipated flow variations.

What’s the best place to install a flowmeter?

Obstructions in the pipeline can cause distortions in flow profile, affecting flowmeter performance. For best results, install where there are several straight lengths of unobstructed pipeline both upstream and downstream of the meter.

How can I get the best measurement accuracy?

When selecting a flowmeter, it is important to find out which types are most suited to the application. Every flowmeter has different characteristics that make them better suited for certain applications than others.

How do I keep my flowmeter in good working order?

To ensure your flowmeters continue to deliver optimum measurements, it is advisable to periodically check their accuracy throughout their service life where possible. Activities such as verification and calibration checks can help ensure your flowmeter is offering continued accuracy.

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