When it comes to choosing the right emissions measurement solution, there are several key factors that need to be considered. Selecting the right system to be installed, can reduce the likelihood of unforeseen costs from excessive maintenance, through to potential financial penalties for regulatory non-compliance.
To help you make the right choice, we have put together a list of some key pointers:
1. Start with the regulations
With regulations really driving the agenda when it comes to emissions monitoring, it pays to understand what you need to do and how you need to be doing it. Requirements will include the types of gases that need to be measured; which processes require monitoring; how often emissions levels need to be reported; the methods used in reporting and the types of equipment used.
There will also be specific requirements relating to the availability of your monitoring system, which set a maximum number of hours that the equipment can be offline for tasks such as maintenance and checking. Look into certifications or talk to references who can share their experiences about the equipment you are considering. Also ask potential suppliers about calibration and maintenance requirements and how long these will impact the overall availability of the system.
You should also be aware of any local differences in regulations. Different parts of the world have their own specific requirements, making it difficult to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to every application. The EU, for example, operates a certification scheme for analyser systems, whilst the US has a requirement for daily calibration. In the UK, the Environment Agency operates the MCERTS scheme, which sets standards relating to Best Available Techniques and self-certification of analyser systems.