Paper machine drives solutions

Direct drives motor directly coupled to the paper machine

The direct drive solution for paper machines dramatically reduces the need for mechanical drive components and space requirements by coupling the motor directly to the paper machine. Since the first installations in 1999, the solution has proven successful for paper mills all over the world. 

Paper machine drives systems 

ABB's Paper Machine Drive System PMC800 gives papermakers increased performance, greater energy savings and improved product quality. Whether the ABB drives are used on paper machines, coaters, calendars or winders, mills can expect fast startups and high reliability.  

ABB's Paper Machine Drive System PMC500 is a PLC-based solution for smaller mills. PMC500 is a cost-effective solution for mills operating simple two drum rewinders, that don't require complex drive or machine controls. Investing in ABB drives will increase operational efficiency, better controls and availability. 


  • Easy to maintain architecture and solution
  • Increased productivity and operational efficiency 
  • Improved paper quality 
  • Better runnability 
  • Energy savings

Proven technology
At the core of the PMC800 and PMC500 drives: high-performance ABB‘s engineered ACS880 multidrives, M3 or M4 type motors and 800xA automation that delivers maintainability and energy efficiency. Design features include:

  • High efficiency IGBT technology with the high performance DTC control
  • High power density by small drive dimensions, liquid or air cooled
  • Advanced drive diagnostics combined with advanced automation control for efficient operation
  • Latest motor design for process performance and high efficiency motors

Installed drive systems on all types of papermaking machinery
ABB Drives has a long history of innovation and excellence. ABB has installed drive systems on all types of papermaking machinery including the biggest mills and the world´s fastest and widest paper machines, breaking existing production records month-on-month with ABB drives. ABB’s global engineering consistency ensures the implementation of design standards, safety features and the latest machine specific functionality in all installations.

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