ABB Electrification Products division manufactures products and systems that provide medium voltage products, low voltage protection and connection products, installation & building products and related service. ABB provides a full range of electrical products, extensively applied on the power, industrial, commercial and civil construction of power distribution system, and all kinds of automation equipment and large infrastructure.
For low voltage products technical training, please contact:
Contacts: Feng Shi
Phone: + 86 21 2328 8618
Telefax: + 86 21 2328 8558
Address: ABB (China) Limited Shanghai Branch
NO.763 Mengzi Road HKPB Tower 5F, Shanghai, 200023, P.R.China
For low voltage systems technical training, please contact:
Contacts: Jiangmu Zhu
Phone: + 86 592 571 9181
Telefax: + 86 592 517 0552
Address: ABB Xiamen Low Voltage Equipment Co., Ltd.
12-20 3rd Chuangxin Road, Torch High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xiamen, Fujian, 361006, P.R.China