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ABB Ability™ LEAP for HV motors and generators​

Analysis of the stator winding insulation condition for maximized uptime

Staying a step ahead

ABB Ability™ LEAP (Life Expectancy Analysis Program) analyzes the condition and expected lifetime of the stator winding insulation – the most uptime critical component in high voltage motors and generators. It detects potential problems well before they become critical and cause expensive downtime. Having information on the insulation’s condition and expected lifetime enables you to plan maintenance in advance.

Accurate information from single visit 

ABB Ability LEAP is a set of unique analytical tools that identify, characterize and quantify defects in the insulation system. Testing and analysis are performed with one site visit and can be combined with normal maintenance activities. This is a big improvement on conventional methods that require trending data from a range of measurements before they can provide useful output.

For motors up to 5kV, located in limited space, ABB offers the service ABB Ability™ Condition Assessment. The compact analysis equipment used with ABB Ability Condition Assessment is ideal for analyzing the stator insulation of motors and generators located in limited space, such as those in wind turbines or on board marine vessels.

Extended Lifetime

The results are used to optimize the maintenance routine and predict when the system’s condition will become vulnerable or critical. Based on this, specific service actions can be planned well in advance to avoid premature failure and increase the lifetime of motors and generators. 

Benefits of LEAP for HV motors and generators​

  • Minimized unplanned downtime – early warnings provide adequate time for maintenance planning

  • Optimized maintenance planning – enables move from time-based to condition-based maintenance

  • Reduced cost of ownership – supports efforts to extend lifetime and thereby increase return on investment

  • Better decision-making – facilitates decision-making on short and long-term maintenance and run/repair/retrofit/replace options

  • Service is available for ABB and non-ABB motors and generators


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