Compact Product Suite references

Reference case studies about ABB control products for Automation Engineers, who like to engineer their own compact process automation solutions ideal for smaller stand-alone installations

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URLImageTitleDescriptionIndustrySolutionTopicCountry recorders for UK-based cheese manufacturerDigital transparent recording of pasteurization ensures higher product qualityFood and BeverageABB Compact Product SuiteABB PartnersUnited Kingdom recorders in utility tunnel boring for Southern Water, UKFault-free recording despite continuous exposure to high temperatures, humidity, vibration and chalk dustBuilding and Infrastructure, Water and WastewaterABB Compact Product SuiteInformation ManagementUnited Kingdom control products for optimum papermaking additives production by Shanghai DSSUNControl solution improves production efficiency, product quality, reducing labor and operational costsChemicalsABB Compact Product SuiteABB PartnersChina Product Suite for water treatment plants in Sri LankaComplete control system based on Compact HMI and AC800M controllers for cleaner sea, healthier environment and improved quality of lifeWater and WastewaterABB Compact Product Suite Sri Lanka Product Suite for Elektrokoppar copper wire manufacturerJust the right control solution size and price for keeping a better check on processes – both in Sweden and ChinaMetalsABB Compact Product SuiteInformation ManagementSweden's-compact-product-suite-to-control-its-rolling-mill-processCompact Product Suite for Tubosider pipe-rolling mill in UKRolling mill process control upgrade boosts capacity, improves product precision, reduces scrap and provides better diagnosticsMetalsABB Compact Product SuiteABB PartnersUnited Kingdom Product Suite for hydro power generation modernization in BulgariaSmooth integration of Vacha II station into the hydro power cascade while maximizing yield, and minimizing the need for human attention with remote operationPower GenerationABB Compact Product SuiteServiceBulgaria Product Suite for Southern Spars yacht masts manufacturer in New ZealandUpgrading the control system of the longest autoclave of its kind in the world - with minimal disruption to productionDiscrete ManufacturingABB Compact Product SuiteInformation ManagementNew Zealand recording from self-powered wireless sensors at Robinson Brothers chemicals in UKEnergy harvesting takes energy from the environment to power wireless devices that ‘could go on forever’ChemicalsABB Compact Product SuiteABB Partners, Sustainable SolutionsUnited Kingdom recorders for the Glastonbury Festival in EnglandManaging water and energy use during the world's biggest music showWater and WastewaterABB Compact Product SuiteSustainable SolutionsUnited Kingdom Product Suite controllers help control drought in FuxianABB's control devices help monitor, control, record, manage and automate the network of pump stations that control the diversion system’s flow.Water and WastewaterABB Compact Product SuiteSustainable SolutionsChina and monitoring of temperature in the pharmaceutical supply chainMany medicines can be destroyed by storage and transport at the wrong temperature. How proper monitoring solutions from ABB support best practiceBuilding and Infrastructure, Pharmaceutical & Life SciencesABB Compact Product SuiteInformation ManagementUnited Kingdom drying in the pharmaceutical industryABB provides independent verification, validation monitoring of the freeze drying process, enables compliance with latest regulations and GAMP guidelines, eliminates unauthorized adjustment of recorded dataPharmaceutical & Life SciencesABB Compact Product SuiteInformation ManagementUnited Kingdom Mine Hoisting Systems at Longgu Coal Mine, ChinaAdvanced control system based on AC800M controller ensures safe and reliable operation with HMI in Chinese, first fault functionality and extensive error handlingMiningABB Compact Product SuiteABB PartnersChina

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