Installation Guidelines
- Normally, the installation will complete in less than 3 minutes.
- The installation of the Field Information Manager will automatically upgrade a previous version if already installed.
- Please uninstall the Field Information Manager 1.0 version because this version does not support any upgrade.
- The installation of the Field Information Manager software requires administrator rights. Any other users can start the installation setup file, but during the installation procedure the system will ask for an administrator user and password.
- The setup will install the Microsoft .NET framework automatically if required and reboot if necessary. After the reboot please start the setup file again. However, installing the .NET framework will delay the normal installation time.
Hardware and Software Requirements
Operating System Requirements
- Field Information Manager: Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64 Bit) on computers or touch devices.
- Connectivities (also FIM Bridge S+): Windows 10 (64 Bit) or alternatively Windows Server 2019 or 2022 on computers, 10 GB storage space, 1 Gigabyte RAM.
Supported HART FSK-Modems
Field Information Manager (FIM) contains the Thorsis (ifak system) modem driver and is already prepared to support ABB / Thorsis (ifak system) HART modems listed below:
- ABB NDA121-NX USB (Ex ia)
- Thorsis (ifak system) isHRT USB
- Thorsis (ifak system) isHRT USBeX
- Thorsis (ifak system) H@RT BluePack
Other modems require a manual modem driver installation. The supported baud rates are: 1200, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200.
Supported PROFIBUS Modems
Field Information Manager (FIM) contains the Thorsis (ifak system) modem driver and is already prepared to support ABB / Thorsis (ifak system) PROFIBUS modems listed below:
- Thorsis (ifak system) isPro USBx12
Other modems require a manual modem driver installation.
Supported Gateways
The Field Information Manager supports further connectivities through the supported gateways listed below:
- Connectivity to ABB S800 I/O and ABB S900 I/O through Thorsis (ifak system) isNet Lite - Ethernet Communication Module with isNet PROFIBUS DP (converting Ethernet to PROFIBUS DP).
Supported Symphony Plus SD Series Version
Supported Symphony Plus MR Series Version
- S+ Engineering for Melody 2.0 (SP2) with FIM 2.5