System 800XA Performance Service for UEGA power plant in Brazil

Remote-enabled monitoring helps plant achieve 100% availability

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Usina Elétrica a Gás de Araucária (UEGA) of Brazil has added remote-enabled control system monitoring services powered by the ABB ServicePort to its existing service contract with ABB. The ABB ServicePort Service Delivery Platform allows users to view, scan and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that impact equipment and process performance so that actions can be taken to improve site performance.

Producing electricity using natural gas

UEGA is based in Araucária city, Paraná, Brazil, is a producer of electricity using natural gas. UEGA is the result of a partnership between Brazilian companies Copel (Companhia Paranaense de Energia), with 80 percent and Petrobras, with a 20 percent stake.

UEGA operates its electricity generation plant with an ABB 800xA Control System with Harmony Infi-90 controllers.
Industry Energy and utilities
Customer UEGA
Country Brazil

Previous ABB Fingerprint assessment experience

UEGA had previously engaged ABB for three System 800xA Fingerprint Assessments annually, and now will have these assessments completed in a secure, remote-enabled fashion through the ServicePort.

With ABB Fingerprint reports, ABB helped UEGA identify and repair a domain controller issue that would have prevented the plant from generating electricity. As a result, in January, ABB helped UEGA evolve to updated technology.

Advantages of advanced proactive data analysis service

The ABB System 800xA Performance Service powered by ServicePort uses data collected during scheduled and on-demand analyses for comparison against best practices and standards to detect performance irregularities. This comparison quickly pinpoints issues, helping to improve system reliability, availability and performance.

With ABB System 800xA Performance Service, proactive data analysis delivers advantages to reduce the time and effort needed to identify software, hardware, system and network performance irregularities.

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