Device Integration Center (DIC)

Integration of devices through the Device Integration Center ensures interoperability with the 800xA system.

Goal of the Device Integration Center is to provide libraries of pre-configured field device object types in ABB systems with proven interoperability by online tests with the device.

The Device Libraries are extended continuously with new device types. Driven through customer project demands and market requirements, individual device types are added to the existing libraries for the communication protocols HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, and PROFIBUS. To assure interoperability of the system with the device and the related components, the new device type object is tested against the real device by the Device Integration Center.

On top of pure interoperability testing value add functionality, e.g. for Asset Optimization is provided with the Device Object Types for System 800xA.

Device Type Objects installed via Device Library Wizard to the 800xA system providing the essential Aspects for:

  • Device Management Device Management software allows efficient planning, commissioning, and maintaining of field devices within ABB’s Industrial IT 800xA system
  • Product Documentation Product documentation is directly available at the device type object. Key product data are bundled in convenient electronic format. Thereby documents like data sheet, installation, configuration, and operation manual as well as maintenance and service manual are accessible via mouse click.
  • Asset Monitoring Asset Monitor, Asset Reporter and Asset Viewer acquire and analyze asset status and condition information. They notify operators and maintenance personnel when an abnormal condition calls for maintenance action.
  • Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS Connectivity) CMMS Connectivity provides the seamless integration of the Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) into the Industrial IT system environment. Asset related maintenance information is accessed via standard, preconfigured CMMS views allowing for the quick and efficient assessment of maintenance needs and status.

Download the respective list of devices to see, which devices are already included in the Device Library. 


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