FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Device

The ABB FF Linking Device LD 800HSE serves as a gateway between FF’s High Speed Ethernet (HSE) and H1 devices.

LD 800HSE enables the access to field devices connected to the FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) from supervisory and control systems as well as management consoles. The device is qualified for redundant use, where the corresponding H1-ports of two Linking Devices are connected to one H1 link. A separate redundancy link between primary and secondary Linking Devices ensures reliable failover and monitoring of redundancy.

LD 800HSE at a glance:

  • Provides link between the FF’s High Speed Ethernet (HSE) protocol and up to four H1 links
  • Transparent configuration of connected H1 devices from host system
  • Allows access to blocks in H1 devices (Client/Server)
  • Four Independent H1 Link Masters (LAS)
  • Publish/Subscribe (H1) (with up to 4 sub-cycles)
  • Republishing of data from one H1 link into another or from H1 to HSE
  • Firmware update via download 

A new linking device LD800HSE EX was introduced: H1 cable and installation cost could be reduced by 80%, by installing the LD in the field.


Product overview

The ABB FF Linking Device LD 800HSE serves as a gateway between FF’s High Speed Ethernet (HSE) and H1 devices.
LD 800HSE enables the access to field devices connected to the FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) from supervisory and control systems as well as management consoles. The device is qualified for redundant use, where the corresponding H1-ports of two Linking Devices are connected to one H1 link. A separate redundancy link between primary and secondary Linking Devices ensures reliable failover and monitoring of redundancy.

LD 800HSE at a glance:

  • Provides link between the FF’s High Speed Ethernet (HSE) protocol and up to four H1 links
  • Transparent configuration of connected H1 devices from host system
  • Allows access to blocks in H1 devices (Client/Server)
  • Four Independent H1 Link Masters (LAS)
  • Publish/Subscribe (H1) (with up to 4 sub-cycles)
  • Republishing of data from one H1 link into another or from H1 to HSE
  • Firmware update via download 
  • Interface between High Speed Ethernet (HSE) and H1 devices
  • HSE Interface, 1 channel 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s (autosensing)
  • H1 fieldbus interface, 4 channels 31.25 kbit/s
  • Communication and redundancy monitoring 
  • Wire cross section up to 2.5 mm²
  • Power supply, 24 V DC (+- 20%)
  • Operating temperature 0 ... 55°C
  • Status and error display
  • Designed according to class 42c of the HSE profile
  • Easy assembly on a DIN mounting rail 
The LD 800HSE allows users to access devices on the FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) H1 link via High Speed Ethernet from control system consoles or from central management consoles. The LD 800HSE allows reports and alarms to be distributed from H1 devices. It works as a Link Master for each H1 link with the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) functionalities as the basis for publisher/subscriber communication scheduling. The design of FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Device LD 800HSE corresponds to class 42c of the HSE profile and is registered with the Fieldbus Foundation.

Data exchange between H1 links of the same Linking Device as well as between those of different Linking Devices is carried out via publish/subscribe mechanisms and does not require any IEC 61131 controller configurations. IEC 61131 controllers can be coupled via HSE interface modules. Thanks to its simple assembly and connection technology, the LD 800HSE is quite easy for users to work with. Comprehensive diagnosis options are made possible by the device's communication and status displays.

LD 800HSE Application

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