Liquid Routing Library

The System 800xA Liquid Routing Library provides optimal routing and Cleaning in Place (CIP) functionalities that are of vital importance in food and beverage industry sub segments like dairies, breweries, sugar, beverages, edible oils, water treatment, mill, fodder, powder manufacturing plants etc. and other chemical and pharmaceutical plants including tank farms, paints & resign plants etc., where products are transported and/or stored or processed in tanks and lines.

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Today’s processing industries are experiencing increased demands to reduce schedules and costs, while maintaining more stringent quality and safety standards. The trend towards higher level of digitalization, consolidation of the process control, electrical control and maintenance management systems into a single unified platform continues, with increasing demands for access to additional relevant and up to date information.

The advantages of using the Liquid Routing Library result from using standardized configurable objects with preserved integrity and inheritance, while ensuring and maintaining the necessary flexibility.

The library includes ready-made object templates, queue handling, diagnostics and assets for product routing. For Cleaning in Place (CIP) applications it provides ready-made templates for the CIP components and a recipe editor for optimal cleaning process execution.

The Liquid Routing Library is built from ABB’s domain expertise and through collaboration with major process and equipment suppliers and food and beverage manufacturers.

Using the library increases engineering efficiency, Operator efficiency and reduces the overall cost of ownership and supports the digitalization in Food & Beverage segments.


    • Reduce project specific library development time by 80% and the project specific software requirements by 60%, thus minimizing the cost of developing an automation solution while maximizing plant operability.

    • Access to right & filtered information helping operators focus on critical plant control aspects, improving operator effectiveness by 25%

    • Optimal cleaning in place functionality increases product quality and reduces rejects

    • Flexible control schemes enabling close monitoring & control leading to optimal OEE and Food Safety

    • Tools based engineering to help reduce efforts, errors, time & costs

    • Intuitive Face Plates, feature rich visualizations leveraging ABB’s domain expertise, helping plant operators and engineers make quick decisions during plant operations helping to increase overall productivity

    • Well structured modular and scalable architecture helps in making smooth & flexible plant expansions with focus on food safety, productivity and reduction in total cost of ownership


Increased product quality

Better circuit cleaning, flexible recipe editing and deployment with validation and logging support increases product quality and helps to achieve optimal cleaning timelines. Liquid Routing Library objects are developed under stringent quality assurance standards, tested and encapsulated to ensure functional integrity.

Improving food safety

Food safety and traceability are critical for your business. Liquid Routing Library provides optimal CIP solutions with a provision for fine tuning. The Routing systems along with CIP enable plant engineers to closely monitor the hazardous areas and deploy flexible control for critical control points in the plant. Liquid Routing Library can help maintain continuous operations, deliver faster, iterate, innovate and meet compliance standards.

Increased productivity

Liquid Routing Library operation tools extend the functionality of the 800xA operations. Intuitive faceplates, alarm handling and feature rich visualizations support plant operators make the right decisions quickly during operations and help to optimally utilize plant resources. This will help to increase operator efficiency and to improve overall plant productivity.

Reduced total cost of ownership

Leveraging System 800xA’s object-oriented technology, the Liquid Routing Library provides you with the ultimate balance between flexibility and standardization. This can reduce project specific library development time by 80% and the project specific software requirements by 60%, thus minimizing the cost of developing an automation solution while maximizing plant operability.


Effective cleaning in place (CIP)

To reduce cleaning cycle times and optimize the use of detergent and water, Liquid Routing Library features a complete CIP station solution and a robust CIP recipe editor that enables individual settings for each CIP object to eliminate wasteful consumption of detergent, water and energy. Recipe-based CIP secures product safety and reduces environmental impact. On-line tools and graphical representation of circuit tuning and optimization boost cleaning performance.

Reducing time to market

Any process automation where products are transported and/or stored or processed in tanks and lines like dairy, Brewery, Beverages, Sugar, Water treatment plants, mills, fodder, powder manufacturing plants, tank farms, chemical and pharmaceutical plants etc is made easier with Liquid Routing Library. Users can save 25% of project design, implementation, testing and commissioning time.

Optimal reporting of alarms

Supports optimal alarm reporting as needed for better focus on process with alarm inhibition and suppression as needed. This ensures increased operator awareness; quick decision making during abnormal process situations and increased focus on product quality and overall process and equipment availability.

Intuitive operator interface

This library provides a streamlined environment for reliable control via a dynamic, easy-to-use operator interface that gives operators access to the whole plant and different layers of information. Routing modules provide fast and easy access to the process as well as supervisory control of multiple and complex product transfers. All faceplates include interlock indications and online help texts that provide the operator with the relevant information for rapid response and correct decision making.

Making control flexible

The control philosophy based on standardized Lines/Tanks/Route components is replicated across all control schemes. Plug and play like control modules with suitable interfaces are available for scaling. Supports easy future modifications or replication of control schemes across future process lines.

Handling of complex valve matrix during liquid transfer

The library reduces complexity for routing paths and valves involved in routing paths. The plant valve matrix is seamlessly abstracted and presented to the operator thereby making the plant control with less complex and less error prone control process for operators yielding to increased operator efficiency with better focus on control of critical process paameters.


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