ABB drives offer
functional safety solutions together with a wide range of safety devices for smart machine design. Our LV AC drives have safe torque off (STO) built-in as a standard or offers it as an optional safety function. STO in our drives together with additional safety functions enhance application safety. ABB’s
functional safety design tool helps safety designers achieve the required safety solution for their machines. Our drive-based functional safety offering complies with the requirements of international standards and requirements, including European Union Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Industrial drives |
ACS880 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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ACS800 |
SIL 2/PL d 5) |
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Machinery drives |
ACS355 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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ACS380 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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ACS880 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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Industry-specific drives |
ACQ580 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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ACH580 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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ACH480 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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General purpose drives |
ACS580 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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ACS480 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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Motion control drives |
MicroFlex e190 |
SIL 3/PL e |
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SS1-r = Safe Stop 1 ramp monitored
SS1-t = Safe Stop 1 time monitored
SBC = Safe Break Control
SLS = Safely-Limited Speed
SSE = Safe Stop Emergency
SMS = Safe Maximum Speed
SDI = Safe Direction
SSM = Safe Speed Monitoring
POUS = Prevention of Unexpected Start-up
SMT = Safe Motor Temperature
● Available as an integrated drive option for the whole drive series
●● Available as an option for cabinet-built drives (+QXXX).
○ Safety functions are possible, with external safety devices connected to the STO in the drive.
1) SSE is implemented as stop category 1 stop function.
2) SMS is implemented as a variant of SLS.
3) SDI and SSM are available only with FSO-21
4) For explosive atmospheres (ATEX), use thermistor protection modules CPTC-02 (for ACS580 drives) and FPTC-01 and -02 (for ACS880 drives)
5) Not available as integrated STO. STO can be built using external safety devices.
You can also build safety functions to the drives without safe torque off (STO), by using external safety devices such as contactors/circuit breakers and safety relays.
For information regarding the safety functions of our drives, visit the safety functions web site