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Engineering and Consulting services for drives

Expert support to optimize the process performance of your medium voltage drives

Do you want to see what improvement potential your drive system has?  Are you interested in benefiting from the latest technological achievements to optimize your system’s efficiency? We offer a wide spectrum of advanced engineering and consulting services that can help take the performance of your drive system to the next level. Be it in the system analysis, setup, optimization, or upgrading phases, our drive system experts can support your team in providing world-class services to ensure that your drives are meeting your needs.


  • Drive system performance improvement — We are your partner in improving productivity, reliability,  cost optimization and safety. We optimize the usability and availability of your equipment to ensure better performance of your drive system

  • High level of system sustainability  Our advanced services help you to reduce CO2 emissions and better plan your operational expenditure

  • Cost transparency and high return on investment — Our offering is based on a well-defined phase model with a clear cost model

  • Taking the best decisions together — You know your process best. We have extensive knowledge of drive systems. Combining both leads to the ideal solutions

Engineering and Consulting service delivery

Contacting ABB

Contact one of the ABB center

Analysis of your system’s specific needs

We provide expert analysis of your system to identify its improvement potential. You select the most promising potential improvements among the identified ones for further exploration.

System improvement planning and implementation

The implementation is planned together with your personnel. Detailed implementation proposals for selected items are developed based on the best modelling methods.

Performance improvements

The improvements are effective immediately and in a sustainable manner. The improved operation can be measured through defined KPIs.


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