Control your hoist with more flexibility, reliability and levels of protection

Mining Tech Talks – Webinar on Demand

ABB Ability™ NGX Hoist Control

On Demand

Mining Tech Talks – Control your hoist with more flexibility, reliability and levels of protection

Are you satisfied with the reliability and flexibility of your hoist control system?

With over 130 years in the mining industry, we strongly believe that experience is only valuable when it is applied and shared. That’s why we invite you to watch this presentation of ABB Ability™ NGX Hoist Control.

Building on ABB’s reliable and proven past generations of hoist control systems, the platform is bringing new levels of reliability, flexibility and ease of use. The platform is adaptable to any type of hoist and can be used in upgrade projects even with third-party control systems.

The NGX Hoist Operating Station was designed with the latest ergonomic and human factors engineering guidelines and is based on the latest human machine interface (HMI) insights, offering the most modern and intuitive operator interface.

Watch our Mining Tech Talks session to see how you can upgrade your control system easily, no matter what platform you work with, and get access to a vast network of global hoist experts.


Oswald Deuchar
Global Product Line Manager Hoisting

Tim Gartner
Global Product Manager Hoisting Electrical

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  • New tools such as cloud, analytics
  • Development model with partners to jointly develop solutions

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